Human Values and Astrology
Value: Dharma Sub-value: Resourcefulness
Planet (graha) Jupiter (Brihaspati)
Gurur brahaspathir jeeva suracharyo vidham vara,
Vageeso dhishino deerga samasru peethambaro yuva.
Teacher, Lord of prayer of beings, Teacher of demigods,
Greatest among the mighty, Lord of words, preceptor,
One having a long beard, he who is young and wears yellow silk.
Sudha drushtir, grahadheeso, graha peeda apaharaka,
Daya kara, soumya moorthi, surarchya, kudmala dhyuthi.
He whose sight is nectar-like, Lord of all planets,
He who steals away the bad effects of all planets,
He who is merciful, he who is soft looking,
He who is the teacher of devas, he who looks like a bud
Loka poojyo, loka guru, neethigno, neethi karaka,
Tharapathi schangeeraso veda vedya pithamaha
He who is respected by all, the teacher of all,
He who is just, he who implements justice,
Lord of all stars, He who is the son of Angiras,
He who is worshipped by Vedas, grandfather
Bhakthya brahaspathim smruthwa, namanyethani ya padeth,
Arogi, bhalavan sriman, puthravan sa bhaven nara.
He who remembers Brahaspathi with devotion and recites these names,
Would be free from disease, would be strong,
Would be wealthy, and would be blessed with several sons.
Jeevedvarsha satham marthya, papam nasyathi, nasyathi,
Ya poojayeth guru dhine peetha gandha akshathambarai.
He who worships him on Thursdays, with sandal, holy rice and silk,
Would live for one hundred years and all his sins would be destroyed.
Pushpa dheepo upa haraischa poojayithwa Brhaspathim,
Brahmanan bhojayithwa cha peeda shanthir bhaved guro.
Guru would remove all problems and bless with peace,
Those who worship with light, flower and presents,
And serve food to Brahmins.
(Thus ends Sri Brahaspathi Stotram, Prayer to Jupiter)
Planet Jupiter
Jupiter is known in Vedic Astrology as Guru (or Brihaspati), the teacher and Guru of the Gods, and devas. Once, Jupiter took the form of Lord Budha (Mercury), and taught the asuras (demons) for ten years. Those who worship Jupiter regularly and sincerely lose their worldly miseries and achieve all their cherished, sacred desires. Jupiter is the guru of higher knowledge (para vidya) and so functions as a guru and removes the darkness within. This is why it is good to approach Jupiter in his name and form of Guru or Brihaspati with prayers, chanting and mantras for Jupiter is merciful and his wisdom is profound.
Jupiter is watery in constitution (kapha), wears yellow clothes and yellow flowers; his gem is yellow sapphire. A Brahmin, Jupiter knows all the Vedas and is expert in all forms of knowledge. As guru, Jupiter has the highest forms of knowledge, philosophy and spirituality (para vidya) and teaches the sacred paths.
Jupiter is Lord of the body’s fat, of the north-east, rules Thursdays, and the signs of Sagittarius and Pisces. Jupiter is known as the Lord of Worship and as the Guru. He is called Teacher of the Immortals, the Soul, the Advisor, the Lord of Speech, the Golden, the Creator (he is but another form of Brahma) the Compassionate, the Creator of Polity, remover of oppression and the Peaceable. As Guru, one honours one’s own guru by honouring this planet, Jupiter.
If Jupiter is exalted, a man or woman becomes scholarly, learned, specialist in languages, pious and noble. If Jupiter is malefic (a somewhat rare occurrence), a man or woman becomes a poor beggar, reduced to utter poverty.
He grants knowledge of Yoga, Astrology, Vaastu, science and mathematics, and is the giver of wisdom which overcomes obstacles. Jupiter as guru guides us in following dharma (the path of righteousness within and without) for dharma is the basis of the Universe itself. Jupiter indicates such domains of principle as law, religion and philosophy. He is the planet of intelligence.
Jupiter’s atmosphere consists mostly of hydrogen and helium gases. The oval white spots seen here are massive storms that are part of the planet’s famous “string of pearls.” (The clouds really pop out thanks to photographic enhancement work done by citizen-scientists Gerald Eichstädt and Seán Doran. Doran took an image Eichstädt already worked on and improved it. Source: NASA Juno Mission Web Gallery)
Human Values
The values we possess are guides to action we undertake. Values are our internal codes of conduct, the principles upon which we base our lives and make our decisions. Our values are first given to us by our parents. These values develop, expand and are tested in experience. Values are tested in action and obtain greater dimensionality and effect when we interact with other people. These people can be role models, or they may be people we clash with. We are continually tested with our choices for action and inner reaction. Human values leave us with inner peace, not inner disturbance.
Human values give us a bedrock against which we may evaluate situations, propositions, events and experience. We have something to fall back on when we engage in the practice of living with human values.
Other people impress their values upon us. We may take on the values of people we admire, such as our peers, our teachers, or elders in the community. Our moral values are often sourced from our faith. We also obtain moral values from the society and culture we engage with. The practice of human values also includes self-knowledge. This points to an important principle – that of self-inquiry. Up to 70% of our time should be spent in self-inquiry. If we do not know our inner self, then our lives will be spent in reaction to outer phenomena; we will be trapped in maya, illusion, and reacting to what the world presents to us.
Our values often include universal principles such as truthfulness, peace, love, right conduct and non-violence. These principles are often essential for our personal and social progress. In our observation, when we reverse the order of perception, we can often work out what values are active and driving a situation or an event or a reaction (our own)(someone else’s) when we analyse the motives of either ourselves or others. We keep in mind that behaviour reveals choices – and that choices are based on our values. Our values guide our actions.
Dharma is the eternal order, the basis of the Universe, for everything in the universe follows its proper dharma, its order, its righteousness, its right action. It is the dharma of an orange to taste as an orange and give Vitamin C; it is not the dharma of oranges to taste like watermelons and give so many seeds. It is the dharma of rain to fall on everything alike and to provide moisture and water for growth. It is the dharma or right conduct of fire to raditate heat; it is not the dharma of fire to radiate moisture on its own account. An individual’s dharma must be fulfilled by adherence to the duties and obligations relating to each person’s inherent nature, profession, status and stage of life as laid down by the ancient lawgivers. Dharma sustains the world. It is not only divinely ordained but part of divinity itself: ‘Dharayati iti dharma‘ – that which sustains is dharma.
Jupiter and Human Values
In Vedic Astrology if we look to the energies that flow from the planet Jupiter, we find truth and wisdom. Jupiter – wherever he is placed – will be a seeker of justice and right, spreading virtue, morality, ethics. Jupiter signifies the higher mind, moral judgement and capacity for hope. Jupiter – owner of para vidya – can both explore and teach the higher sciences and the higher dimensions of the Vedas. Jupiter multiplies knowledge and understanding, and expands the practice of the five human values.
Jupiter and Resourcefulness:
Jupiter is a multiplier of energy which goes to the inner instruments of action. Resourcefulness is the quality of being able to cope with a difficult situation, the ability to deal resourcefully with unusual problems. As disposer of intelligence and creative imagination, Jupiter is that magnetic energy which multiplies inventiveness, ingeniousness, ingenuity, cleverness, creativity and armoury of perception, learning and reasoning. Hence, Planet Jupiter as philosopher provides the ethical dimension of dharma (right action) through correct resourcefulness, drawn from within, from the inner instruments of action.
Jupiter is master of the inner instruments of action (intellect, reason, reflection, creative imagination) and has the wherewithal to apply these to issues that arise in ethics, difficult situations, unusual problems with flair and para vidya, the higher wisdom that reflects dharma, the eternal order of the universe. Hence, we can say that Jupiter is karaka of resourcefulness and provides the needful solutions with ease.
Jupiter as Guru
Jupiter as guru (gu-ru, two syllables, gu – to approach, to sit near, ru, to remove, to take away, dispel darkness of ignorance) has the task of removing the darkness of ignorance and illusion (maya, the appearance of the world as real). Jupiter then provides from the inner instruments, resourcefulness within. We may rely on Jupiter for ethical solutions founded on the eternal order of the universe, dharma. Jupiter does not scope to include plagiarism ( the act of plagiarizing; taking someone’s words or ideas as if they were your own) nor engaging in dumbing down of the human intellect (read, use GOOGLE as resource for intelligence).
When we look to resourcefulness as the means of supplying some want or deficiency; a stock or reserve upon which one can draw when necessary, then we are looking within ourselves for our needs, assets, to stock, replenish, to gain problem solving ability. There is the sense that we act independently using our intellect within.
Jupiter as guru provides leadership in resourcefulness. We have knowledge of the self, we have the ability to deal with people, we have knowledge of the task to be undertaken. By removing the darkness of ignorance, Jupiter multiplies the resources within. When we have unity of thoughts, words and actions, we have integrity which follows the guidance of the intellect within, suddhi-jnana (purity of thought-word-action).
Purity of thoughts, words and action is the fruit of selflessness based on an ideal or vision greater than the small-self. Elements of character come into play such as courage to decide, willpower to persist and initiative to be a self-starter. All these are significant elements of the energies disposed by Jupiter as guru of higher knowledge, higher wisdom and giver of resourcefulness.
He who is respected by all, the teacher of all,
He who is just, he who implements justice,
Lord of all stars, He who is the son of Angiras,
He who is worshipped by Vedas, grandfather