Looking at Climate Change

global warmingMany are aware of the climatic changes that are taking place upon the Earth. For, if you look around – and listen to your scientists that study the Earth and its climate – you will find there are many places on this Earth where it is far too hot. Other places, there is drought, excessive monsoon rain, and in other places, volcanic activity and earthquakes. In this article we will look at possible astrological relations of climate change.

What is Climate Change?

Climate change means the difference in the Earth's global climate or in regional climates over time. It describes changes in the state of the atmosphere over time scales ranging from decades to millions of years. These changes can be caused by processes inside the Earth, forces from outside (e.g. variations in sunlight intensity) or, more recently, human activities.

In recent usage, especially in the context of environmental policy, climate change usually refers to changes in modern climate such as global warming. Attendant environmental issues are air pollution, water pollution, light and noise pollution, issues of waste management and landfill, poor resource management, agricultural issues, climate change and ecological collapse.

The environments affected are the atmosphere (greenhouse gases) oceans (acidification, sea level rise), soil (erosion), arid regions (creeping desertification), grasslands (impact of drought), forests (denudation of forests with ecosystem collapse), watersheds and riparian zones (changes to water flow, cessation of water flow), wetlands and estuaries (failed delivery of life mass and nutrients), sub-polar and polar environments (changes to ice mass).

All these activities have impacts on human health. Ocean acidification leads to reduced fisheries and aquaculture productivity and under-nutrition of those reliant on fish diets. Raised average and extreme temperatures due altered rainfall patterns, sea level rise or extreme weather produce flood, heat-waves, drought and wildfires. These lead to biodiversity loss, ecosystem collapse and rise of pests. Impacts are observed in mental health, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory disease and mortality of the aged. More die in heat-waves before wildfires than in the wildfires itself. There can be harmful algal blooms in lakes and water areas also leading to health problems. Fish are expiring due morbillivirus and other sector borne conditions.

Relation of Astrology

Here, we look to astrology and climate change. Astrology is a record of the state of the kalapurusha: the body of space and time. The five elements comprise the body of space and time, these being fire, earth, air, water and space. In astrology these relate to the significations of the planets, houses and signs. Gain and loss, affliction and positive strength, illness and well-being - of humans, animal, plant and mineral life forms. The human environment, the home environment as well as the earthly environment are all indicated by planets, houses, signs and nakshatras.

Mundane astrology assigns the outlook and condition of the country to the first house. Strength of currency and balance of trade along with national wealth are given to the second house. In the third house we find IT, public communications and transport. The fourth house indicates natural resources, mineral resources, agriculture, mines, and landed properties. The mundane indications of the fifth house are emotional stability, speculation, investments, higher education along with the morals and values of the peoples. In the sixth house, we find public health, public amity, the financial solvency of a nation and harmony - communal and workplace harmony.

We continue to move around the houses to the seventh house where external relations are important, and on the mundane level, tourism, foreign affairs and relationships among the masses are assigned here. In the eighth house, red tape, delays, obstructions, floods, cyclones, epidemics, storms and earthquakes are assigned. In the ninth house we find morality, diplomats, progress and development. The tenth house is the house of the Executive, Parliament, foreign trade along with law and order. In the eleventh house we have income, gains and prospects for the future. In the twelfth house the mishaps, mass hospitalizations, wars and military skirmishes are assigned.


Changes noticed on Jupiter by astronomers.

If we go around the houses again, we note more specific matters relating to climate change and ecological collapse: the first house is ruled by Mars, is malefic, and of pitta (fire) nature. The second house is weak in nature (panaphara), of kapha (water) nature. The third house is a vata house (air) and while malefic and provides strength in old age, it is essentially apoklima, weakened. The fourth house - kendra - is strong and of kapha (water) nature. The fifth house - trikona - which can be very good - is odd, malefic and of pitta (fire) nature. The sixth house (another apoklima house) is of vata nature, and regarded as a trika (evil) house.

The seventh house - kendra, strong - is another odd=-malefic sign of kapha nature. The eighth house is another trika house and panaphara, not so strong. It is of pitta (fire) nature. The ninth house - trikona, good - is also apoklima, weak, odd-malefic and kapha nature. The tenth house is kendra, upachaya - house of gains, and of vata (air) nature. The eleventh house is both panaphara and upachaya, weak and of increasing strength (depending on age), is odd-malefic and of vata nature. The twelfth house is both apoklima (weak) and trika (evil) house, of kapha (water) nature.

All these houses contain the state of the climate: temperature, fires, carbon dioxide, cataclysm, sea level, mountain glacier melt, soil moisture, precipitation, hot days and cool nights, river outflows and ocean heat: all accounted for by placement of the planets in houses. Planets are benefic and malefic as per the placement of the ascendant. Benefic planets may travel poorly through malefic houses, malefic planets in strength may destroy the benefic nature of a house it is placed in. Given the mundane allocations earlier, we may give rise to reflections of the significations of planets in various houses for the different environments according to national or geological boundaries and allocated mundane charts for countries and regions.

The question of the outer planets (upagrahas - hidden planets of the days of yore) rises. The astrologer and rishis of yesteryear allowed for five hidden planets - that is, planets not yet discovered. While these have names and descriptions in classical jyothisha, most vedic astrologers of this day and age do not attend to these planets. Neo-vedic astrologers do include, particularly when the outer planets change signs or nakshatras. Drishti (glance or aspect) is not assigned to outer planets but these may be included in rashi aspects (aspects between signs). One wonders what the jyotishas of yore would have made of the so-called "love-note" discovered by the New Horizons craft recently:


  New Horizons captured this image of Pluto a day before its closest pass, from a distance of about 740,000 kilometres; it includes a strikingly heart-shaped light patch that NASA referred to as a "love note" sent back to Earth.

The times, the tempo

We live in times complex changes to our environment due many factors. Modern life with its acculturations expects light, heat, electricity and air-conditioning. We have oil, coal, gas and ores being mined to sustain our modern life. There is much perturbation about fracking. Deforestation of wetlands and natural forests is producing complex changes: the landscape is altered therefore consequences follow. Detritus, humus, decomposition and decay are all altered by the elements and human activity. There may be unforeseen complex outcomes from such activity. Others pay attention to solar peaks and minimums, for it is know that solar activity - the sunspots and coronal mass ejections on our star, sol, produce effect on earth by way of earth's magnetic shield being assailed, sunspots have been proven to have geocentric effects such as earthquakes and volcanic agitation. Others allege that pandemics follow times of peak solar activity.

The body of the kalapurusha - the condition of the physical body, the astral body, the causal body - all these are shown in the astrological chart. The condition of the earth and the karma that arises from human activity along with attending thought, feeling and emotional contributions by humans also attests to ecosystem failure and the state of the climate we find ourselves living in. In this series of articles we will be looking closer at some astrological indications of geophysical changes in the human climate, the earthly climate and the astral environments.

  we create the world we experience by our thoughts, feelings and actions
yad bhavathi, tad bhavatum: as the feeling, so the result.


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