Shadow Planet – Gulika

Shadow planets have no mass but are known by their effects. Well known shadow planets are Rahu and Ketu, which have their different effects, particularly when all planets are located between them. There are other shadow planets, and one in particular is known as Gulika, sometimes called a “child of Saturn”, and the effect of Gulika is similar: delay and frustration. These act as a counter-weight to instant gratification.

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Shadow Planet Transits and the Human Shadow

shadow1aVedic Astrology differs from the popular western sun-sign astrology in that it not only has more to offer, but also shadow planets, known as Ketu and Rahu. These shadow planets are significators of what we cannot see within, but which emerges sporadically, that which is called the shadow self. When shadow planets change signs, the shadow self is evoked. Read more


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