Notes on Crop Circles and the Solar Eclipse

The Great American Eclipse will carve a path of totality – darkness – across the North of the Americas on 21 August 2017. This eclipse has been signified in many crop circles and in this note, we look to some other crop circles. The time of Ascension and the higher dimensions is now, and the crop circles portend a wave of uplifting energies coming. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

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Shadow Planet Transits and the Human Shadow

shadow1aVedic Astrology differs from the popular western sun-sign astrology in that it not only has more to offer, but also shadow planets, known as Ketu and Rahu. These shadow planets are significators of what we cannot see within, but which emerges sporadically, that which is called the shadow self. When shadow planets change signs, the shadow self is evoked. Read more


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