Looking at Climate Change

There are many elements to climate change – there is global warming, desertification, deforestation, air pollution, rising sea levels and extreme weather to name a few. Astrology marks out a path through life, and the planets radiate magnetism and light energy from the kalapurusha, the Lord of Time and Space. There is little denial nor argument that there is a problem with our planet, and action has to taken to heal the Earth. For where would we be without the Earth our Mother?
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Note on Obesity

Note on Obesity obese man

Obesity is a matter of public health concern. The World Health Organisation says that obesity is a disease. What is obesity, what drives obesity and what does Vedic Astrology have to say about obesity? What is our body, what is the constitution of the body and how is this determined. There are many questions surrounding obesity and the cultural signals which give rise to this. In this article we look at some matters surrounding this topic.

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