The Creative Source of The All – that is, all Universes, all forms of life and ALL-EMBRACING-LOVE-ITSELF- has many sentinels who serve and pass on the simple message that life is love and the goal of life is merger with this all-embracing-love-itself. Due a cyclic phenomenon, and the advance of the 26,000 year cycle of the Earth’s progression we are about to enter into a wave of Ascension energy, reaching Earth herself. However, there is a bund of negative energy surrounding Earth and all who live upon her. The Guardians of the Earth – the WATCHERS and others – seek our help with this bund of negativity. You may give your assistance to Ascension itself:
We have an urgent message to all light workers: We need your help as we are at a crossroads in the evolution of the planet, and we need those of you who are in physical form to ASCEND. By ascension, we need you to consciously call in your higher selves on a daily basis in order to dissipate the negative build-up. We ask you to practise calling in the Higher Self through meditation, Reiki or whatever means you wish and by consciously activating and joining with the highest beings for Your/Our greatest good. This daily/frequent practice of upliftment will enable us to continue our work as you will be aiding us.

There is a wave of ascension energy making its way to earth. This will penetrate the sheath around the earth to help with upliftment. If the negativity surrounding the planet is too heavy, this light cannot penetrate. Thus we need the help of raising of consciousness of all concerned to unite and bring about these changes.
Move away from fear, worries, pain and negativity and focus only on your Highest Self and Highest Good on a daily basis. Step into your Higher Self which is Light and love. If you practice this on a daily basis all other things will fall away. Whenever a negative thought or experience occurs, plug back in, connect to your Higher Self. Tap into your ascension timeline. WE are All One, so if everyone does this, we aid the collective and thus, Earth into her ascension. It is very important that this message is heeded and practised. The time is NOW! Please spread this message far and wide. We embrace you with love and we await to receive your uplifted consciousness.