Many peoples from all walks of consciousness raising and light work anticipated that the Solstice of 21 December 2020 and the following Great Conjunction were world-altering events. The dawn of a shift, a raising of consciousness to a higher dimension. Add to that mix the story of a Great Ritual to be completed at Uluru (Ayers Rock – in the Heart of Australia) by the indigenous peoples turned much attention to these times and these events. What follows is a personal account of attendance at Uluru from 19 December 2020 along with some reflections on The Shift.
The Covid 19 Outbreak
We began with various instructions from the airline – Jetstar – and the Northern Territory government. The Northern Territory government had been proactive in protecting their community and had put up physical border blocks with Army and Police. To enter the Northern Territory you had to sign a declaration that you had not been in a ‘hotspot’ for at least 14 days, and you had to produce a bank statement which would show your purchases, and hence, indicate your movements.
We were all downloading the forms, completing them and then submitting them to the government authorities. Many flew to Yulara – the resort nearby Uluru – while others travelled by road. The Covid-19 outbreak in the Northern Beaches, NSW, put this event entirely at risk, for the Anangu peoples and the Mutitjulu community were loathe to admit anyone who might place them at risk of Covid 19. In fact, they closed the National Park for four days and did not reopen the park until Christmas Day morning.
I went to participate in a spiritual event, the Summer Solstice and Great Conjunction ceremonies, which were embedded in a Cosmic Consciousness Conference. Our conference got off to a fine start, although some people were told to self-isolate; thereafter they were designated originating from a ‘hotspot’ as determined by the Northern Territory government and flown home. We ploughed on.
This raises a question about the purposes of the novel-Coronavirus which we know as Covid-19. There are many conspiracy theories about the coronavirus, just as there were many lightworkers at this conference who told that they refused to admit the virus into their consciousness, their mind, body or spirit. In fact, we were all given light codes – in a ceremony – to refute vaccination from this virus, and all viruses. We have the capacity to pass these codes on to anyone who seeks them.
This indicates that the novel-Coronavirus can be managed, expelled and dismissed by thought, by will, by intention. We keep in mind that thought creates reality. We create our world, our experience with what we think, say and do. Yad bhavati, tad bhavatum, as the feeling, so the result (the teaching in Hinduism).
A tour around Uluru at sunrise of the morning of the Conference opening produced a startling image:
Higher consciousness prevails among the delegates at this conference. They are light-workers, way-showers, healers, explorers of the higher (and earthly) realms, massage therapists, essential oil and fragrances practitioners, Alchemists, Cultural Educators, Pleadian Ambassadors, Light Warriors, Psychic Mediums, Medical Intuitives, Tai Chi and Qigong Master, like this. We had many mediums and channellers, and messengers from the stars. You will know that thought, feeling and action create reality. So this crowd of light-workers and way-showers received this message of Light from those who reside at Uluru: Alcheringa, Goolagaia and Rainbow Serpent as well as the Kanyini ancestors.
Then came the orbs:
And another orb photo:
I have not seen orbs of this colour nor intensity, nor obs projecting a beam of light as this one does. The most striking orbs I have seen have been at Tiruvannamalai, in South India (and that, on night of Maha Shivarathri). None of those orbs at Tiruvannamalai resembled the one above. If I take a guess at the meaning / purpose of this orb, then my sense is that it is a being from another dimension – likely one of those from Anangu lore and legend. Keep in mind that Uluru is told – in Indigenous narratives – to be a centre of Creation of the Earth, and that Rainbow Serpent – the Creator – is said to reside at this location.
Rare capture of Rainbow serpent – a higher dimensional Serpent being – at Uluru. In Hinduism, Serpents are Nagas, they have divine properties – a much higher intelligence – and originally taught humans. The snakes on Earth are descendants of the Nagas, far removed and without their higher properties.
Uluru is also the home of Alcheringa, the Creator Spirit / Being who oversights not only the Earth, but the Orion Arm of the Milky way. In other words, Alcheringa is the oversighting being of our part of the galaxy.
Here are some other orbs from Uluru:
Night of Solstice Ceremony
On the night of the Solstice Ceremony – held in the National Park at 7:32pm on the evening of 21 December, some 280 people gathered on the red sands and meditated.
This is what appeared in the sky after the ceremony:
As you can see, it is sunset, and the clouds are illuminated by the setting sun. There is another light source emanating among the sunset clouds. Those present told that this was a “portal” opening – streaming in – the new energies of the higher consciousness, the higher energies.
Here are some more images of this event:
In this photograph, you can see that there were many witnesses.
It is hard to give you a bigger sense of this event. Those present said it was an opening of a portal to a higher dimension. Let’s look at the narrative surrounding this.
An Interrupted Ritual
From the ancient Creation legends of this Dreamtime (Dreaming), there is a story about a Great Ritual that was interrupted, which has yet to be completed at Uluru. This ritual was meant to complete the Great Plan of the Earth Spirit
The twin sites of Uluru and Kata Tjuta, in Northern Territory, Australia, comprise the world solar plexus chakra. The global function of this chakra is to maintain the vitality of the Earth, and all living species. In the future, if there is a world art of immortal health, then the wisdom of this art will be gained from this chakra there in central Australia.
The wisdom gained from this chakra is delivered to the rest of the world via the world ley artery, the Rainbow Serpent as it travels the path of life.
This Rainbow Serpent, is the prime ally and agent of the Earth Spirit.
It is the direct, creative expression of the Will of the Earth.
The Rainbow Serpent arises from deep beneath the surface of the Earth and first emerges at Uluru.
The primal spirit of life arises and emerges through Uluru. The Rainbow Serpent magic is then transmitted to Kata Tjuta via a special songline which exits Uluru on its western side from the cave of the Hare Wallaby, Mala Puta.
Once in the natural cathedral of Kata Tjuta, this universal vitality force is shaped and encoded into the specific designs suited to the many different species of life on Earth. If all life spirits come from Uluru, then species are differentiated at Kata Tjuta. Walk into the Valley of the Winds at this site, and you will feel the many active nature spirits of the area weaving, shaping and creating individuality.
After the energies from Uluru have been packaged at Kata Tjuta, in the Valley of the Winds, they are then sent out, via the Rainbow Serpent, to the world.
Uluru is a seamless divinity.
Uluru is the kin of stars and planets.
Uluru also has a very special connection to the Sun. The archetypes of planetary navel and solar umbilical cord are both present at Uluru.
The word Uluru derives from the Liritja word “luru“. This word refers to parallel lines drawn on sacred objects, often in a secret ritual to create peace and harmony. The great rock is called Uluru because there is a great significance in the parallel sedimentary lines. Uluru is a protrusion of the earth’s crust that has tipped over almost 90 degrees, so that normally horizontal layers of sediment are made almost vertical. The message is this: the direction in which Uluru’s parallel lines point from southeast to northwest is of vital significance, for this is the pathway of the global Rainbow Serpent. Because of this, one of the many names of the Rainbow Serpent is Uluru. Those who named Uluru knew the great secret of the Rainbow Serpent – it passed through the site, and extended itself as a telluric current in both directions beyond the horizons.
Here are the clouds over Uluru on Christmas morning:
And Christmas Morning after Sunrise:
Have you heard of Cloudships?
Cloudships are said to be UFO’s that show themselves in the lower fourth dimension, manifesting as oddly shaped clouds. Some call these lenticular clouds, and you can google this – there are spectacular images available.
This appeared over Uluru the day after the Solstice Ceremony:
It is said that Cloudships can alter their appearance, disguise themselves in clouds, raise or lower vibration of the seeming appearance.
Other views:
And this:
We do not tell you to believe in Cloudships. They may not be in your vibration, they may not be in your personal energy fields. You do know that UFO are real, that the higher dimensions exist, and that ‘contact’ with our brothers and sisters from the stars has happened for many people. Don’t expect to see little green men from Mars running around, nor Tall Greys appearing in space ships. Contact (and confirmation) will not come from any government. Contact will be unlikely to be seen by the thousands upon thousands.
The message of this event, the message on this page is that much is occurring at higher levels of consciousness. We said earlier on this page that
Higher consciousness prevails among the delegates at this conference. They are light-workers, way-showers, healers, explorers of the higher (and earthly) realms, … …
The message of these events – some which happened within time and space – and some events (like the Elders solstice ceremony) happened beyond time and space is that there are higher dimensions, higher frequencies of human awareness and experience. This is something you have to work at. Cloudships – as shown above – are only an indicator of what exists at a higher frequency, a higher electromagnetic vibration, which is constantly changing.
We leave you to your own conclusions about the Cloudships. Life is your journey to the higher dimensions.
The Great Ritual connects Heaven and Earth
Unites Spirit and Matter.
From the ancient Creation legends of the Dreamtime (Dreaming) there is a story about a great ritual which has yet to be completed at Uluru. This ritual was meant to complete the great plan of the Earth Spirit. The Great Ritual, interrupted by the demon dingo, was designed to raise all created life into frequencies of incorruptibility. When the ritual is complete, then perfection will spread throughout the world and death will disappear from all species.
In alchemy, to change lead into gold is to change the mortal body into the immortal body. As suggested in the words of Australian novelist, Ion Idriess, this true alchemical gold is contained within the function of Uluru. Uluru, the Philosopher’s Stone, turns the world into gold. Uluru expands the domain of mythic Eden – until all areas of the world are contained within it. There is no death inside the gates of Eden.
This Ritual event is symbolised by a great pole, or cosmic umbilical cord that begins to function in 2020 AD. It is noteworthy that this statement, by Robert Coon, was written sometime prior to 2011.
In this new Era of the global village, this ancient ritual is destined to be completed.
Now is the time (Solstice, December 21st 2020) for the successful completion of this ritual. In doing so it will raise the evolutionary pulse of life on earth to new levels.” Robert Coon
‘The purpose of this Ceremony is for the Rainbow Serpent to become the Rainbow Bridge, to rise up to connect with the light of the sun and go straight into the heart of Mother Earth. Cleansing, energising and re-invogorating Mother Earth and ushering in a new era for Mother, and her children.’ Julia Williams in consultation with Law Keepers.
“The Ceremony will increase the flow of life and consciousness from, Inner Earth to Earth, from the Earth to the Sun and vice versa benefiting all beings and in support of Earth’s rebalancing with all of its life forms.
With the construction of the great umbilical cord, the djang or prana of Heaven and Earth is then stored within this planetary, solar plexus centre of Uluru. From this centre, health and greater vitality are circulated, via the Rainbow Serpent, through the entire world body.
The Shift
It is clear from the evidence on this page, along with the ancient stories, and the various ceremonies undertaken (several) that new energies, heightened energies were released through the stargates to Earth at the time of Solstice and Great Conjunction. You might know of the stargates, the net placed around the Earth after the Earth fell from the 5th (and higher) dimensions to the 3rd dimension at the Fall of Atlantis. The higher dimensional beings departed and the Earth was closed off to the higher dimensions 12,000 years ago. The stargates closed the higher energies off from the Earth. Since the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, the stargates have been opening slowly and admitting higher frequencies of light and magnetic energy.
If you put too high a voltage to the light bulb, it will explode. The correct amount of voltage must be given in order for the light bulb to operate properly. Life on Earth is similar; the light, the vibration, the frequency and the electromagnetic energy must be raised slowly. The Shift in the electro magnetic energy on the Earth is shown by the behaviour of the whales beaching themselves. You must know that the whales follow the magnetic energy currents that pervade the Earth. The energy is changing, the electro magnetic lines have changed direction (and will continue to change) and we may yet see more beaching of whales.
The Indigenous Elders conducted their own ritual at Uluru – with no participants – at 9:02pm on evening of Solstice. The full effect of this event will take some time to be embodied within the Earth and all who live upon her. As we shared earlier in this text, some days were required to settle the higher energy. It shall be the same for all forms of life on Earth, including Mother Earth herself, who is also going through the Shift. It has been suggested that the Shift will take up to three years to settle and effect changes for all. We will not be in light bodies instantly, nor shall we be teleporting in armchairs to New York or London any time soon.
It has been explained – by various authorities and sources – that Uluru itself is a sacred object located on the planetary ley-lines of the Earth and represents the heart chakra of Earth. Many spirit beings and Gods as well as Indigenous Creators reside there. Uluru exists in higher dimensions. Uluru itself can be used for a meditation. Here is a meditation given through the spirit being Alcheringa:
Meditation at Uluru
The Angelic Realms advise that Uluru is the heart chakra of our planet and the abode of the oversighting spirit of the Indigenous Peoples of Australia – and our entire galaxy – Alcheringa. Alcheringa has let it be known that Uluru (along with other sacred places on Earth) exists in the higher dimensions (5th and 6th), and sacred places like Uluru should be visited, to receive the spiritual benefit, blessing, uplift. Alcheringa went on to say that if a sacred place could not be visited in the physical form, then one may travel in spirit. Valérie Barrow channelled Alcheringa on Ascension and visiting Sacred Places in December 2011. What follows is an excerpt from this channelled message:
Alcheringa: ”Indeed there is My Dear, I know that you have received messages about the ascended state of being … … and I would like to say that the ascended state of being already exists in Uluru and the surrounding areas. There are other places around the earth that are also in the uplifted frequency of Light and Love. When people visit these places, these sacred places, they experience the energy and it touches them… … it touches their heart … it touches every body cell, every part of their physical body and helps to lift.
Alcheringa: Everything has a consciousness … it may not be of a language that you would think … … but it has a consciousness. It is predestined for many things to grow … and to grow the same continuous way. And so it is for the earthling … but adjustments can be made at times to fit into certain situations … but sometimes the mind gets in the way and interferes with that growth … that ascended state.
So I would like to encourage everybody to visit sacred places if they can … and if they cannot physically actually go there … Then to sit quietly in a meditative state and gently roll their eyes towards the heavens and see themselves at a certain place that they have decided to go to in their mind.
For it is the consciousness of the soul that is taking them on the journey and it is equally as beneficial to the people to experience being there. It will be a sacred journey … it will be a blessing … and if they keep the brain away from that consciousness they will experience many things.
That will assist them in many ways. A knowing, but more than that a feeling will come upon them and then they will know. Without any explanation or words and this is what I mean when I say and I speak of consciousness in everything.
This page represents the personal notes of the author and is copyright © under the Berne Convention on Copyright to which Australia is a signatory. Images are courtesy of the author and other photographers and used with permission. Kindly do not reuse the images.