Prayer for our Planet

saguna, nirgunaThe Cosmic Sai Baba gives another transmission at Bundanoon, NSW. The Golden Age is foretold, and it will be a little time for the energy to change and align with the Golden Age. All these changes can be as gentle as a still pond, were everyone on Earth to pray to the Source of the All. Cosmic Sai Baba asks that all upon Earth work with God in this alignment to take place.

“It is I, Cosmic Sai Baba, and I have been sitting here waiting to make my entrance … … for I know I am welcomed.

There are many changes happening upon this Earth at this time … … changes that are causing concern amongst the earth people. It is an edict that the changes do take place upon this earth.

I have said before, the Earth … the solar system along with the galaxy, is moving – nothing stands still.

There is a moving into alignment with a core of suns which go back to the source of all creation … it is a cycle that your solar system is experiencing. It was always meant to happen. Do not be afraid. For I am always present as the Formless Sai Baba, here to help to lessen the problems and help the energy to be lessened that causes earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

These things will happen and weather patterns will change also … … but with my presence here as Cosmic Sai Baba … … it is helping to lessen the severity of it … … for at another time the Earth was almost destroyed because of what took place before … … before the records that have been lost upon the Earth.

These records are gradually being brought forth -and that is for a reason. The reasons is, so that the peoples upon this earth will begin to understand what has taken place upon this planet earth and its evolution … its time from its beginnings … … its creation itself … … and where it is moving into. Many have heard the term Golden Age and it is that. The Earth and her solar system are actually moving into a Golden Age.

It will be free of disruption and confusion … … anger will not exist … … so that there will be no wars … … but this will be a little time for the energy to change and align with the Golden Age.

However, the Turning Point is coming very soon.

I would reassure you … … and I would hope … … that all upon Earth will work with God in this alignment to take place … … all you need to do is to pray, pray to the Source of All Creation … … and ask, that the changes that are coming now, that they be moved into a time of calm and peace.

If everybody upon this Earth would connect to the God within … … the energy would change immediately upon this Planet Earth and the Earth herself … and the ‘Turning Point’ which we are moving into will be a still pond instead of a wild rage of waves. It is up to you … … it is up to everybody upon this Earth to connect to God … to the Source of All Creation – and pray that we all move into the smooth age of Peace and Compassion.

It will flow more gently this way.

There are wars still raging and times that cause confusion … all this can be lessened and changed.

If you read about it in a newspaper or you see it upon you television screen … … I would ask that everybody focus on Source of All Creation and ask for Peace and Harmony to come into these people that want to rage … … for know that you are capable of helping to bring changes upon this Earth and know that this … … what I, from the World of Light and the peoples from The World of Light are asking you to do. It is very simple … it does not require a lot of time, but the energy that goes with it … as the saying goes, “Can Move Mountains“.

I do not want to sit here and sound like I am preaching and I do hope you are not thinking I am doing this … … far from it … … I am actually requesting you and all the peoples upon Earth … … so that we all move into the Golden Age with heart, compassion and most of all, the Love of God.

I, God, Bless you


saguna, nirguna


