Behind the Curtain of Death

Many, many people ask, “What is on the other side of death?” The Master replies, “Notice that until now, death and dying have been a taboo subject in your culture. The most important cause of this situation is fear, only fear. Wake up, begin to think and search for yourselves. Do not base your life on somebody else’s theories or their fear.” So begins a far-ranging discussion on life after death, and a surprising promise from the Master!

Master, what does a man leaving his body see and feel? How does his perception change?

Just as you experience surprise here on Earth, you are very surprised by the fact that you suddenly find yourselves at the edge of a new world that is apparently parallel to the material world. You are able to see your relatives and friends, feel their pain after their loss, but you are unable to join them or give any sign communicating that you are still alive. Your abilities of perception grow rapidly and you realise the meaning of events. You clearly perceive the effects of your conduct and its impact on others. Usually, you also notice the Depth behind events. And, when you become curious as to what it is, you turn your mind and heart to it and you find the path to Me.

You are this Depth.


These words convey profound meaning.

They show how I define Myself.

They also serve as a subject to meditate upon.

Yes, for many people. Seek the meaning they convey. Search for their substance.

What confidence and spirits should a man departing to the other side maintain?

The certainty that he will see me and experience my love right away.

They talk about flying through a tunnel, meeting relatives, important persons, Masters, Jesus and even Elvis.

Flight through the tunnel—by all means, yes. This is the moment which frees the particle of consciousness from bodily ties. Meeting friends, family, Masters, manifestations of Divinity—all those as well.

What happens next, after the meeting?



Yes, cognizing, or rather recalling the truths forgotten momentarily.

Then meeting You?

Yes. And then what follows is coming back to the work and learning.

What do we learn on that side?

Various things.

Excuse me, Master, if my question was too inquisitive.

It was not. It is just that there are many subjects of study.

There is a huge world on the other side.


There have been a few well-known movies, for example the one in which Robin Williams and Annabella Sciorra starred.

Some of the relationships presented therein are true.

Hell, for instance?

Hell is the state of mind of a man far removed from God.

So, is it not real?

I shall answer you like this: what you think is real, becomes real for you. You create a world and it is real for you, but this is delusion for an observer.

What is true then?

My Love is true, not what is created by your minds.

Master, what an incredible answer this is!

I think that at this point it would be in order to ask, ‘How should we prepare to reach the other side in the best possible shape?’

The state right after transition depends on many factors. Generally speaking, it depends on the way you have lived. Were you focused on yourselves or on others, how much good were you able to evince in life, what was your relationship with the loving-you-Divinity? The sum total of all this determines the state of man just after the transition. The dominant mood of your final days and moments has a certain importance as well. The requests and prayers of persons, on this and on the other side, involved with the passing one are also important. Pray for a peaceful and auspicious journey.

What are we to ask You for in such moments?

For love and guidance for the departing, for untying his ties with this world, for uniting with Love in love, for happiness, for heavenly bliss, for a peaceful return Home, where the Divine Parents are already waiting for him.

In this context remember that if you feel you do not have time for turning towards God with love then it means that you are wasting your life. And whatever great deeds in the world you would do would be a waste of time. Time wasted will never come back.

I am asking you all; please ponder over these words from today. You may do so much good on this side and you realize this with full clarity only while leaving your body.

Reflect ‘on this side’ what you have come here for and the deeper meaning your activities have. Ask Love to show you the direction in your quest.

Have you done anything good?

Have you been selfless?

Have you helped anybody without demanding (or even expecting) anything in return?

Have you loved others unselfishly enough to give up your egoism?

These questions mean a lot on your path of development towards God, because the qualities indicated in them are the true manifestation of His pure and loving Nature.

Master, I see certain difficulty in the fact that people do not believe in life after death and in reincarnation.

Nevertheless, these two are facts. If you search well you will find lots of evidence. There are hundreds of books written by people that have come back from ‘the other side’. Many people remember their past incarnations. Children experience these kinds of flashes very often. Your world tries to discredit these phenomena by denying their reality, although the theories about life after death that it creates itself do not have any deep meaning. Notice that until now, death and dying have been a taboo subject in your culture. The most important cause of this situation is fear, only fear. Wake up, begin to think and search for yourselves. Do not base your life on somebody else’s theories or their fear. Treat past theories and the results of research as the result of great efforts by man striving to understand the world, struggling with his own limitations and fear. Accept them, but move forward, asking Love to guide your pursuit.

Ask for enlightenment in this endeavour. With the passage of time your outlook will broaden. I am interested in what you, reader, have to say about this matter. Ask Love to indicate the path you should tread towards Itself.

Can seekers always turn directly to You? Can they ask You to guide and help them to find You, to find love and the deeper values in life, in general?

Of course, these are the most valuable requests. Ask in your own name, pray with love for inspiration for others. Divinity will give everybody something dear. Never doubt this.

Love lives by giving, incessant giving. Every one of you will receive something valuable. Watching life attentively will reveal to you the answers to your requests. Begin carefully considering what you ask for. Ask for good and worthy things.

The answer to a prayer may not be obvious to you. The fulfilment of some prayers and desires may not be beneficial for you. You still do not understand the ways of Love.

Sometimes freedom is beneficial, liberation from ties. It can happen that Love would adjudge cutting the ties necessary and deprive you of some pleasures. This can be painful for you.

You know what is best in every case.

Yes. It is good that persons asking know in advance what the consequences of their requests and choices could be, before embarking for good on the spiritual path.

There! What can be the consequences? Could You give away a bit of the secret?

You live in the world of attachments which, although invisible, constantly influence your thinking, decisions and conduct. Such things like yourself, family, wealth, relationships, addictions and weaknesses take the place belonging to God and His Love.

The purpose of spiritual life is to put things in their proper places, according to the dictum ‘Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and render unto God the things that are God’s’. Assign first and foremost place to God, because of who He is. Not to family, friends, money or pleasures. Love for God should stand in first importance and have the first place in life; this will require inner, and often outer changes. These changes can be painful sometimes. The cutting of ties hurts. It is always so in the beginning, but becomes much easier as time goes by. Divinity always comes in the place of ties. Divinity, which is the true You. Divinity is the liberation from yourself, from the past, from old and stubbornly recurring thoughts. It is liberation from the world also, from what your minds consider as the world. The heart full of love for Divinity understands these matters instantly.

I would like to ask You, Master, a supplementary question.

Go ahead.

You said that Divinity comes in the place of ties. How does this happen? What are the associated feelings? How can we know that we have just experienced this kind of process?

If you trust God, if you trust His Wisdom and Love, then simply take note of this fact. Know that the Beloved takes care of everybody and everything, and answers the requests of hearts. And do not ask too many questions. Your trust is hundred times better than the attempts to understand everything. And the latter is usually a futile effort, because your field of view is severely limited.

Sometimes it happens that you benefit from noticing the Divine intervention in your lives. This takes place when they inspire you to a more complete turning towards God and Love. Confirming the ‘correctness’ of the chosen path alone has lower value if it does not inspire you, I mean all of you, towards love. Love is the crowning of experiences. If you find it, learn to experience it, to live in it and to turn towards it. And do not look for other experiences any more. Leave behind the desire for knowledge.

Sometimes you want to cognize, experience and learn in order to prove something to others. And this is not proper either. Real change in ‘others’ will be brought about only by Love. Keep turning towards Love. Pray for love for all your kith and kin, for everybody. You are one family. True and lasting change comes only through love. Desist converting others. Begin with yourselves. First convert yourselves, and with the passage of time you will get at your disposal other instruments for evoking positive changes in people.

Master, people reading Your words may begin to think that they are dealing with some new theory, that they are being exposed to a revolutionary change of thinking or
even subjected to the brainwashing …

No, not necessarily will they think like that. Many will breath a sigh of relief seeing the right goal in life, the true value on which to build life.

”Assign the first place in life to God—Love”

Beautifully worded! And so much power in it. But, excuse me if it sounds impolite, one sentence is not too much for the axis, so central to life.

One sentence is not, but its meaning is. I am Love and am able to change your life. And this is not ‘yet another’ theory. It is here that you find my words showing the direction you are to go. If you decide to go, I guarantee you that soon, you will convince yourselves about the correctness of your choice and veracity of what is being said here.

Remember, you can always test me. I agree to this.

You can follow the principle of ‘try before buying’ and begin turning to me with different issues in order that I show you the way, help you or solve a given problem myself. The results will tell you what is going on, you will see how I work. I persuade you to try and experience. Experience the working of the Divine. Experience answers to your requests. Keep turning towards Love and ask loving Divinity for the possibility of experiencing it. Experience dispels doubts. Confidence comes after experience and then the path becomes much easier.

Reader, are you afraid to try? If not, smile. If yes, smile too. Joy is the path to Divinity.

And what about the requests for experience of your love?

For many they will surely bring fruits.

And one more thing, when what you ask for suddenly appears, remember that I am the God of Love, not the God of fear and anger. A God of Love and joy. The gifts that you will receive in response are the testimony of love, the signs of friendship, the proofs of my closeness and care. Their purpose is not only to help you in trouble but to turn you towards the best of possible paths, towards the path of happiness and love. All other gifts go pale in face of the blessings received on this path. You will see for yourselves.

Some are afraid of a new and unknown power entering their lives. It is the heritage of your religion, which teaches that you should be afraid of God. You should not. One should love God, because He is very love. And love only.

Humanity stands before the enormous challenge of integrating material and spiritual life into one, coherent whole.


The Blue Marble


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