Coming into Alignment

Sri Sathya Sai Once again, the Cosmic Sai Baba gives a message at Bundanoon, NSW. In these days of conflict and ghastly scenes splashed over all forms of media, the Cosmic Sai Baba reminds us of our origins and the grand plan. The is only one race, the human race, and that race has come here from the stars, and our own solar system. All is coming into alignment for world peace, as the planets, the Sun, the galaxy, all come into alignment with the Grand Central Sun of all Universes, the Source of the All.

“I am here, it is Cosmic Sai Baba, and it is true I have been here all this time. In fact, I would like everybody to know, that I am always with you, I have never left anybody …

So call upon my name … and the energy will be felt … … my energy will be felt … it will help you … … all of you to connect to the God within … … this message is going out to many, My Dears, and I know you understand this … … but my message is for many … so please make allowances.

This day is a special day for humanity upon this Earth … the number 6.6.6 is no co-incidence … … it is sometimes connected to in peoples minds and belief systems as some sort of evil … or something that works against humanity … but it is not that at all.

It connects to human kindhuman beings

The idea is to raise in consciousness to 9.9.9 … which holds the Cosmic energy of God. As Cosmic Sai Baba I hold this energy … … That is why I am suggesting that you call upon my name. But you can call upon God and you will be immediately connected to 9.9.9 … which means really, in a back to front way of 6 being turned on its head to 9.

The difference between 6 and 9 is 3. The 3 symbolises the three aspects of God … God within and God beyond.

There is God that holds the energy at all times …
There is God that creates energy at all times … and
There is God that destroys energy at all times.

This allows things to grow … and then to fall back, shall we say to go back into the ground and then reform and grow again. With these two things happening – God that holds all – is holding onto the energy so that these patterns continue. These, patterns are in everything, in every consciousness of every living thing. But in humanity it is connected to the 666 … … which I would like you to see and know … it is the Pentagram that symbolises the human on Earth and all he needs to do is to grow into the 6th dimension or the 6th point of the star of the Dotetrahedron and it will become the Star of David … which leads to the 9.9.9. of all of you. You will need to think about this … and the understanding will come to you.

The Star of David is described as a six pointed star. It is connecting to the Light Beings that inhabited this Earth at another time. All of you upon this Earth, inherit this energy … this … shall we say DNA from the Light Beings that existed on Earth, as I have said, at another time.

They could be described as the Blue Light Beings … they did come from Venus, but before that they came from another place within the Universe, altogether.

They are here, even now, to help lift the consciousness upon this Earth, to bring Light into this corner of the Galaxy, which has been lost in darkness. But through the work of these Beings, totally dedicated to the work and to the work of God, it is lifting the energy to an ascended state.

The World is changing … the Galaxy is changing … and your Universe is changing.

Planets will come into alignment to assist this … and will influence people upon this Earth and that this is happening now … as we speak. It is up to all to connect to the God within to understand and really help to create the changes that are taking place upon the Earth … for every living being upon this Earth and for Earth, the Mother herself.

So I hope that you will continue to pray … to assist this change to take place.

God bless you, my children, God Bless you.

I God, bless you and thank you.”


The day is 6; the month is 6; and if you add the day, month and year together it comes to 15 = 6. Therefore 6.6.6

We were still being influenced by Cosmic Sai Baba along with His energy on this day as the conversation moved on to discussion of why there were only four people present. We knew it was for a special reason.

When we were looking in the dictionary we discovered that the meaning of a tetrahedron is “solid figure bounded by four plane triangles; or triangular pyramid.” (hedra in Greek means base).

So we were symbolising the 4 at the base of a pyramid.


vitruvian man



We couldn’t find Dotetrahedron in the dictionary and someone said it may be two words. So that would mean two tetrahedrons -one up and one down … forming a holographic six pointed star. Or 4 planes of triangles making a pyramid interlocked -forming a Merkabah.


Circle - the shatkona



You can read more about the merkaba on


Sri Sathya Sai

