Why is God Allowing so Much Distress to Happen on Earth?

Today’s world does not suit you. In your way of thinking it is logical then that you blame Divinity or you deny its existence altogether. This is based on falsehood. You do not take into account the fact that it is you who create the world. It assumes shape according to your desires. If they are destructive desires, far removed from goodness and love, in time you face the consequences. Then you look for the guilty ones outside — always outside. The truth is that you alone determine shape of the world.

Master, people often query that if God exists, why is there so much hunger, illnesses, misfortunes and wars on the Earth?

This question is being heard in every nook and corner of the world. My answer is like this:

You are not able to share and take care of each other. Outwardly you are far, far from Love. When you change this state of affairs, the number of unpleasant events, hunger and wars will disappear. Then the law of cause and effect will be working according to your plans and intentions, not against them, as is the case today. Today, events that you consider bad are the results of your own deeds and their purpose is to direct you onto the proper path.

You have the strength and resources to help others, to feed the starving, to create possibilities for them to learn, for development, for a peaceful and good life. But you prefer thinking about yourselves, about your own estates, about your own development and happiness, and about satiating desires. This is why the world looks the way it does. You accuse Divinity of creating a world that is not suitable for you, a world in which there is so much pain, suffering and ‘evil’. But at the same time, you do not want to do anything to change it. If, as you maintain, this subject is so important for you, why don’t YOU take care of it? I shall surely help you in this endeavour.

Begin by changing yourselves. Commence from your heart, where God lives. Find Him and His love and after that, learn to live life inspired by this Love. There is a lot to be done. Many starving people are waiting for meals and many souls are waiting for the light of love. And I will grant them this light through you. I am ready. It is you who changes the world.

You will see then how tender and caring the loving Divine Mother is. You will feel Her love and the joy of sharing in your heart. And you will cease, once and for all from accusing me, and will begin loving.

If you really would like to solve problems of this world, you have the strengths and the means. There is an abundance of everything for all. What remains is simply, to act. However, it is much more convenient to watch and look for someone who is guilty. When faced with problems do not look for a culprit since this situation is meant as a challenge for you.

It seems to me that governments and politicians will never accept this approach.

Today you may think so. The truth, however, is different. Political power derives from concentration of collective social power. Elect politicians who will accept this approach, and moreover who will carry out desirable changes.

Master, this is probably not feasible.

Just the opposite. Changes lie within your reach. Even one man is able to make a breach in the wall of silence around the subject of concern for others. This is the most valuable domain of both social and political activity. Others will follow this individual.

It seems to me that people are not going to vote for anybody who will not promise, for instance, a decrease in taxation, an increase of social benefits or concrete material gains for our society.

‘Our’, still so much ‘our’. This is the way we reached my original answer. In reality the fate of others is very insignificant to you. And this is one of the most serious reasons for hunger, misfortunes and wars on the Earth. The change of this state of affairs lies in your own hands.

Master, let me use this opportune moment to ask You how we should get down to it. What would You advise us? What practical hints might You give us? What actions could we undertake?

These are very good questions.

Commence with yourselves. Ask Love to implant positive changes in your hearts, souls and minds. Meditate more often. Smile more often. Ask Divinity to show you what you can and should do for others. Learn to share what you have with others, and if you have nothing then at least share a good word, a smile. There is always so much to offer to others, if only you wanted to.

Begin seeing Divinity in other beings and in everything around you. Your whole life goes on in God. There is nothing else except Him around. There is nothing else except Love around. Learn to pass on, to share all that you have received from Love. Ask Love to show you what you can offer and to whom. Ask Divinity for changes in the world, for happiness and prosperity for others. “Loka samasta sukhino bhavantu” — let all beings in all the worlds be happy. Ask for happiness for everybody — for politicians as well as for those that you consider your enemies and ill-doers. Let all beings in all the worlds be happy. It will soften your hearts and open them to receive Divine inspirations to do good.

Ponder what good you can do to others, to the forsaken, suffering and hungry. And do something.

Master, excuse me please and allow me to ask a trick question. You mention the necessity of changes and reform. At the same time you say that the world is perfect, that one should not turn towards it but leave everything to You, to leave all the functioning to You. Is there not any contradiction in this?

The word “world” means Light. The basis of a new perception of the world, the building of virtues and ascension towards Divinity, are worked out in the midst of what you perceive as misfortunes and sufferings. Intrinsically, everything is Love and the expression of Love. Outwardly this should be expressed as care for others, eagerness to bring relief for the suffering, consolation, and as selfless sharing of what you know and possess. In today’s world there are so many opportunities to do so. It is a wonderful ground to mould good qualities. This is an excellent opportunity for every one of you. Nevertheless, remember that the path to Divinity and your loving Creator should occupy the first place. You still do not know yourselves. You still do not know what is hidden inside. Put Divinity foremost and the rest will settle itself.

Many beings have still to go through different events, such as hunger and misfortunes, as the result of their earlier deeds. They should experience them because they created the conditions for these to arise. On the other hand, all the others have the chance to develop these wonderful qualities of caring for others and helping them. This earth is not for the sake of ruling on it. It exists in order that you can learn how to share with others what best you possess. Ask loving Divinity to direct your initiatives of helping others, and to suggest whom and in what form you can help. It will cheerfully consent. Open yourselves to the answer.

Pay attention to yet another aspect of the situation under discussion. You all have the ability to cause events — not only by direct action. Your actions bring considerably deeper consequences in the future. You create thoughts, habits, character and destiny. You create your future fates and their content. May they be as good as possible for you and for others.

How can we achieve this?

Direct yourselves to the paths of good. Ask Love for support on the journey. Speak good, do not speak bad about anybody, do not even think bad. Everybody and everything are immersed in Divinity and are Divinity itself. By speaking ill of someone you speak ill of me. Do meditate, pray and love the Creator. Ask your Friend to show you the best path.

Now, I will point out one more important issue. You possess a fraction of the Divine Power of creation. So far, you have been using it improperly. When you begin treading paths free from egoism, you will create things and states that are good for everybody and every living being. You will create paradise on Earth, the planet of Love. You can do it here yourselves. That is, if you want. In any case, eventually positive tendencies will prevail.

Today’s world does not suit you. In your way of thinking it is logical then that you blame Divinity or you deny its existence altogether. This is based on falsehood. You do not take into account the fact that it is you who create the world. It assumes shape according to your desires. If they are destructive desires, far removed from goodness and love, in time you face the consequences. Then you look for the guilty ones outside—always outside. The truth is that you alone determine shape of the world. Begin to create good things. Make your ways towards love and, with the passage of time, the outer world will adjust itself to this lofty picture. You are somebody much greater than you think you are.

You are Divinity endowed with unheard-of power of creation. You created yourselves and the world, which outwardly, significantly diverges from what you associate with Lightness. You are able to create quite a different world, resonating with the Creator’s love in the tones of inner harmony.

From time to time I inspect my clothes and always find something that I do not need anymore. Thus it can be presented to somebody. Life forced me to dress in second-hand shops so I know well what verging on poverty means.

That’s it! You yourself know how it is. Therefore you willingly help others. And did you notice that the more you give to the needy, the more you get and the more have for sharing?

Yes! Sometimes I even feel that I should give away something, that I consider still good. I give it away and shortly get back something better. Seen from this perspective it appears that in exchange for old clothes that were given away, I can wear expensive and good clothes now. Somehow these two come together.

This is how it works. The more you give from your heartfelt generosity, the more you receive and the greater spiritual joy becomes your share. But remember that Love is not trade in a vein of ‘Today I will give away so tomorrow surely I will get more’. Keep giving without personal interest in any benefit. Give solely in the pure joy of sharing. View the poverty and suffering on Earth as a great challenge, a great opportunity for spiritual development and spiritual joy. Treat it as a great opportunity to learn how to conduct yourselves properly; as a grand work to accomplish and present the results to God.

Offer everything you have to Divine love and ask it to teach you sharing with others. While giving something to someone do not think what you will get in return. Think that you are giving it to Divinity in the form of another man. To be able to give and share is a great grace. It is an expression of love. You all are Oneness. Oneness is God.

It seems to me that one of the causes of today’s state of affairs is the business policies and practices of huge corporations, that is, exploitation driven by economic pressures.

Nobody is to be condemned. It is very easy to say that others are bad. This takes the burden of responsibility off your own shoulders, doesn’t it?

Yet, the reasons for the ‘current state of affairs’ lie within each of you. The egoism present in your hearts and minds effectively blocks manifesting of all good and heavenly qualities that would bring you happiness and inexpressible goodness. That is why you should begin the true change of the world from yourselves, from changing your own hearts, opening them to the love and voice of Divinity latent within them.

When hearts are full of love and free from egoism the world will become Paradise, a land of love, which it is in reality. When you grow, when the human race matures to living in union with Divinity, the Gates of Heaven will open. As a matter of fact, you will notice that they have never been closed.

Both God and Love have been here at all times for everyone, in abundance. Let everyone begin from himself, let him seek his path to his Creator and pray for support and for love. I have been ready to serve you at all times. When you love, you want to serve. And since I love you very much, the conclusion can be drawn that I have always been serving you. Please, appreciate this and treat me better than you have been doing until now. I do not count for much and do not need a lot. A kind smile, cordial gesture or the goodness that you have for friends will do. Your happiness is my happiness. The highest happiness you will find is union with Me. Try me. Test me.

Ask me again the question we started this chapter with.

Master, if God exists, why is there so much hunger, illnesses, misfortunes and wars?

So that everyone may finally fully unite with Love.


Gates of Paradise
When hearts are full of love and free from egoism the world will become Paradise, a land of love, which it is in reality. When you grow, when the human race matures to living in union with Divinity, the Gates of Heaven will open. As a matter of fact, you will notice that they have never been closed.


Karen .t / Pixabay


Image Credit: Karen .t / Pixabay
