Three Mothers (and a camel)


 Three Mothers
(and a camel)


Three Mothers (and a camel) is actress Phyllidia Law’s chronicles about her relationship with her own mother who suffered from dementia, and her caring for her mother-in-law (who was deaf), told from the notes she wrote to her “Gran”.

We first read the notes to her mother-in-law, and slowly build up a picture of a hidden, unseen lady who never speaks in this narrative; a narrative of scribbled notes. Over many notes, we read of the cares and concerns of “Gran” who lived upstairs, and her deafness, and her good habits of washing on Mondays, ironing on Tuesdays, cleaning the house on this day, shopping on other days, fish and chips on Fridays; the patterns are those that many mothers would recognise.

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