Partial Lunar Eclipse of August 7/8, 2017 – Gayatri Jayanti

On August 7, 2017, (or August 8, depending where you reside) … two weeks before the Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017, … we will have a partial lunar eclipse. This will be seen in parts of Asia, Australia and New Zealand, and the Pacific Ocean. We take Uluru as the heart chakra of our planet, and give times and understanding of this eclipse from this location. The day of eclipse is also Gayatri Jayanti, celebration of the birth of Gayatri Ma.

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The ‘almost-eclipse’ and Earth Honouring

almostLooking to the trio of eclipses during August-September of 2016, we note several important issues having some impact during this period. Saturn will station and turn direct on the day of the August eclipse. The Sun will also change signs and move into Leo on the day before the August eclipse and will be at strength. Jupiter has moved into Virgo and Mercury gets ready to change signs. The stage is set for the “non-visible” eclipse of August 18.
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A look inside October 2015

October is the tenth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar, coming after September and before November. It has 31 days. Its name comes from Latin oct, meaning eight, as it was the eighth month of the year in the Old Roman Calendar before January and February were added to the beginning of the year, though its name did not change. The tenth month at the time was December. We take a look at the planets for October 2015. Read more


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Shortest Lunar Eclipse and last Red Moon for 3 Years

red moon

The Moon is the presiding deity of the Mind and time passes marked by full moon, eclipse, new moon, full moon, lunar eclipse and new moon, the Sun and Moon, the eclipses and seasons Ring the Changes to Planet Earth as Ascension continues to envelop all who reside here - in all life forms. The lunar energies are strongest (the Higher Cosmic Beings recommend this time of Full Moon as the best time for prayers in common, group prayers for the welfare of all the worlds) and eclipses are times of transformation as Ketu and Rahu are involved. This coming Full Moon on April 5 is one of a tetrad of eclipses and the shortest lunar eclipse in a long time. The Moon is conjunct Rahu in Virgo, the Sun conjunct Ketu in Pisces.

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Note on Full Moon + Lunar Eclipse


A full moon is when the mind is at its strongest (the Moon is the presiding deity of the Mind); the lunar energies are strongest (the Higher Cosmic Beings recommend this time of Full Moon as the best time for prayers in common, group prayers for the welfare of all the worlds) and eclipses are times of transformation - internal transformation within the human, particularly where Ketu and Rahu are concerned; this full Moon is conjunct Ketu, the Sun is conjunct Rahu. So a significant time is upon us from the perspectives of astronomy, astrology and the psyche.

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A Note on Eclipses


Mid April of 2004 is a time when the Solar New Year is immediately followed by a lunar eclipse; 14 days later there will be a solar eclipse. The day of the lunar eclipse is also the festival of Hanuman - the first Star-being who over-sighted this planet (and cared for it) and also the Varnara who served Lord Rama, the one who loved God the most. Between these eclipses, the Cardinal Grand Cross will occur in the heavens. These are significant events accompanying the return of the 4th Dimension. In this post, we will take a look at the importance of this Solar New Year, the significance of Hanuman immediately following, and give some astrological observations about eclipses.

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Ketu and Spiritual Intelligence Part 2

Ketu – South Node of Moon

Navagraha Ketu - planetary deity without a head

Om Chitravarnaya vidmahe
Sarpa Roopaya Dheemahe
Tanno Ketu Prachodayat

Self empowerment

We consider Ketu, South Node of the Moon as karaka – disposer – of intelligence of a high order. As man is a unity of mind, body and spirit, then there are forms of knowing appropriate to the body, to the mind and the intellect, which is nearest the soul (the atma), and derives over 90% of its illumination from the soul. Ketu is also karaka for spiritual intelligence. In these days after the Summer Solstice of 2012, new energies are pouring forth from the Creative Source of All, the Central Source of all universes, and these energies mark the return of the 4th dimension, lost to man since the Fall of Atlantis.

With the Fall of Atlantis, the Earth fell out of the 4th Dimension. What, then, is the enhanced role and function of the planets in the return to the 4th Dimension? What is the spiritual order in the 4th Dimension? For answers to these questions, we turn to the shadow-planet (chhaya graha) Ketu, who is dispositor of Spiritual Intelligence.

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Truth, Self Awareness and Rahu

Human Values and Astrology
Value:Truth; Sub-value: Self-Awareness
Planet (graha) Rahu – North Node

Rahu - Dragon's Head and North Node of Moon

Om nakadwajaaya vidmahe
padma hastaaya dheemahi
tanno rahu prachodayat

Understanding Rahu as a Planet

The North Node is known in Vedic Astrology as Rahu, and is considered a shadow planet, symbolised by a head. In the myth of the churning of the ocean of milk, the demon Swarbhanu stole a taste of the nectar of immortality and was decapitated by Lord Vishnu. Rahu is not actually a planet, rather a shadow planet, chhaya graha, the cause of eclipses of the Sun and Moon. Where Rahu eclipses the Sun and Moon, there is a similar eclipse of the light within the mind.

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