108 Names of the Sun: Surya Ashtottara Shatanamavali #7

Om Adibhutaya Namaha, Salutations to the One who has taken form first. The Sun, self-effulgent, radiating light it partakes from the Central Sun of all the Universes, lokas. The Sun is a fragment of the Central Sun of all Universes, and thus, radiates the life-force of all to all, without fear or favour. The Vedas are the first that arise and the cause of light being perceived.

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Note on Hayagreeva

Hayagreeva with consort Lakshmi

Hayagreeva Jayanthi looms on the morrow, so we look to the significance of Hayagreeva for Jyothish, the science of light within the human. The giving of the Vedas to Brahma is the giving of light to prakriti, nature. Therein we look to the significance of the avatar Hayagreeva for jyothisha. Astrologers ever seek to give accurate messages to those who seek their services and the need for purity in thought, word and action is examined, along with the purity of knowledge within which is granted by Lord Hayagreeva.

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