Rahu and Ketu, the two shadow planets, have changed signs. This is called peyarchi in Sanskrit. While the planets are weak at this degree, this transit, this changing of signs will have both personal and mundane effects – on individuals and on countries.
The lunar nodes are not physical planets, but are “shadow planets,” known as chaya graha in Vedic astrology. They are two astronomical points marking the intersection of the Moon’s orbit around the Earth with the apparent path of the Sun known as the “ecliptic.” The North Node of the Moon, known in Western astrology as Caput Draconis or the “Dragon’s Head,” is called Rahu in Vedic astrology. It is the point where the Moon’s path crosses the ecliptic from south to north, and is thus known as the ascending node.
The South Node, known in Western astrology as Cauda Draconis or the “Dragon’s Tail,” is called Ketu in Vedic astrology. It is the point where the Moon’s path crosses the ecliptic from north to south, and is thus known as the descending node. Even though the lunar nodes are not physical planets, Vedic astrology assigns them equal status to the other planets, and in fact Ketu is considered the eldest of the planets and the head of all the stars and planets.
Rahu will move into its exalted sign of Taurus in September, with Ketu moving into its exalted sign of Scorpio at the same time, and they will remain in this sign axis for the following year-and-a-half until March or April 2022. The transit dates are September 23, 2020 to April 12, 2022 (Mean Node Calculation) and September 19, 2020 to March 16, 2022 (True Node Calculation). The Moon’s North Node Rahu is said to be exalted in Taurus, and the Moon’s South Node Ketu is exalted in Scorpio. Ketu is co-ruler of Scorpio. All that said, Generally, this transit can indicate a period of some stability in the world (Rahu in Taurus) as well as spiritual progress (Ketu in Scorpio).
Ketu is the repository of karmic force. As Ketu is a non-luminous planet, this force within the human is unknown and is not visible to light. It is a force of transformation which surges during eclipses, periods of darkness without when the light itself is dimmed or totally blocked out. It is at this time of darkness that the force of Ketu arises within and casts its seeds of transformation on the ego, bringing forth new awareness of consciousness within.
Rahu is also karmic force, a force which forever seeks wholeness, completeness, Oneness with its other self; therein lies the drive in the outer world, the spending of energy, the quest for complete satisfaction and achievement of the goal pursued. Just as a bird, flying across the ocean ever seeks the masts of a ship to land and rest for one or another moment, so too, humans driven by this karmic force toward action in the outer world seek rest and completion from the continual search for the goal of achievement and satisfaction.
Like Ketu, Rahu is a non-luminous planet, this force within the human is unknown and is not visible to light. Like Ketu, this force surges during eclipses, periods of darkness outside when the light itself is dimmed or totally blocked out. At these times of outer darkness, Rahu within – as magnetic force – drives the person to new spheres of activity and pursuit.
Karma simply means action. Just as a baby and a child seek to hold everything in its grasp, so too, humans seek to attain their desires through taking action. No one is without action. It is how we respond to action and how we cope with the events the karmic forces within bring to us (all desires are force sent forth which come back fulfilled; all action produces a reaction) is the mark and the character of the man or woman we are. If we first build character, integrity of thoughts, words and actions, then we will have an inner bank of character to draw upon when the karmic forces present us with the fruits of our actions.
Rahu and Ketu are also spiritual forces: the true mark of the spiritual seeker is to observe their experience, and reflect upon that experience and evaluate what brings calmness, peace and repose, and what does not bring these qualities. The world simply reflects the seer; as the feeling, so is the result. If we build our character, our stability, our resources within, then when the karmic forces return to us, we may call upon our character bank and make the withdrawal from this bank which brings steadiness and calmness within.
While we may expect more stability in this time of Rahu transiting Taurus, and Ketu transiting Scorpio, on the mundane level, we may expect financial disruption of a kind in nations with borrowing to prop up individuals during the time of pandemic. There is nothing wrong with borrowing, it simply has to be repaid. And when that happens, the temporary increases to welfare are removed and individuals in need experience hardship. This not to say all experience hardship and abandonment, for all are in the loving hands of the Creator, the Protector. Whoever calls upon his / her Name will receive grace and protection. Whenever a call for help is put out, it is always answered from the angelic realms, also.
With Co-Ruler Ketu in Scorpio, we may experience some acceleration of the Golden Age, Kritta Yuga, or what others may call Ascension. Ketu plumbs the depths within, and at this time, those in the Ascension environment tell of an increasing amount of light energy passing to this world, and into the souls of all that lives on this planet: mineral, insect, plant, amphibian, marine, animal, human and Mother Earth herself. This light energy, transformed to magnetism, will affect all on the planet. Ketu, in his place of co-rulership, may provide depth and balance to all who seek same. Ketu has no drishti, no glance or aspect, and is deeply focussed in one place: the house it occupies. So call upon Ketu.
2020 Vernal Equinox or September Equinox
An Equinox is an astronomical event that happens twice, once in spring and once in autumn, each year when the tilt of the Earth’s axis is inclined neither away from nor towards the Sun. During Equinoxes the tilt of the Earth (with respect to the Sun) is 0° and because of its duration of the day and the night are almost equal on Equinox day i.e. 12 hours.
Equinoxes occur on 20th or 21st March and 22nd or 23rd September each year and both days have equal length of the day and the night.
During March it is springtime in the Northern hemisphere and March Equinox is called Vernal Equinox and Spring Equinox while it is an autumn time in the Southern hemisphere and March Equinox is called Autumnal Equinox and Fall Equinox. In other words, on March Equinox it is springtime in the UK, the USA, Canada, Russia, India and China while it is autumn time in Australia, Argentina, Chile, New Zealand and South Africa.
Rahu Ketu Nagaraja idols being prepared for puja
Source (Equinox) (passim)
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