Full Moon – March 2019

At this time, there is a special equinox as it will also occur around the Full Moon which will culminate less than four hours after the equinox. There are many sacred festivals – Hinduism has Holi, the Sikhs celebrate Hola Mohalla, the Baha’i’s celebrate their new year – Naw Ruz, and the Jewish faith observes Purim. In the secular arena, March 21st is International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. It is also a time of inner challenge, and that challenge points – highlighted by 5 weak planets, urge us all toward managing the mind and our thoughts.

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Inner and Outer Planets – A Time of Changes …

Ketu-RahuWe are close to the time of the Moon’s nodes changing signs – which many call peyarchi. This change will will principally have effect in mundane conditions and events, as the two nodes, Rahu and Ketu, are said to impact the affairs of nations. Mercury changes signs, becomes debilitated, retrograde and renders an opportunity to learn. Ketu moves into conjunction with Saturn and we consider the presence of Pluto.
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