At the end of the Cosmic Consciousness Conference, there was a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. It was a bit late in the night, eclipse maximum was at 4:22am in the morning, Norfolk Island time (GMT+11). The effect of this eclipse was to empower and drive the energy of the 555 Lemurian Gateway Activation – stronger and more energetic – into our future, beyond the Chaotic Nodes.

The Moon did not turn fully dark, nor was it a blood moon. What happened was that the Moon simply appeared a little darker than usual.
Here is the schematic for this penumbral lunar eclipse at Norfolk Island. (Kingston is about 3 kilometers from where the conference was held.) The shaded part is where the Moon will appear a little darker:

What occurred was that the Moon appeared a little darker than normal. Here is a comparison of what this eclipse looked like vis-a-vis a (normal) full moon:

May 5: The Vesak Full Flower Moon, A Time for Meditation and Healing
The very auspicious Full Flower Moon occurred during our conference. This is also known as Buddha Purnima, Buddha’s Birthday, and Vesak. Gautama Buddha is said to have been born on this day in the Vaisakha month (which extends from April 20 to May 20). His enlightenment is also celebrated at this time, as is his departure from the body.
According to legend, the Buddha promised to come back on this day every year, to join with many other divine beings to regenerate the Earth. The Theosophists teach that the Christ (Maitreya) gathers the entire spiritual hierarchy together in prayer and meditation at this Full Moon to invoke the forces of a heavenly realm known as Shambhala, which increases the input and output of the divine light within us and on Earth.
The Full Moon was eclipsed on May 6 in what is known as a penumbral eclipse. During this eclipse, the Moon passed deep into the outer part of Earth’s shadow. This area is known as the penumbra. This event can be hard to see as the Moon simply appeared a bit fainter than normal. Regions seeing at least some parts of the eclipse included the continents of Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, and Antarctica, as well as the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans.
Astrological Effect is Strong
This will be the deepest penumbral eclipse until September 2042, meaning that its astrological effect is strong. The eclipse had the effect of super-charging the Full Moon. It suggests an intense lunar effect, which can indicate high tides, storms, seismic eruptions, and emotional intensity in the several days leading up to, during, and after the eclipse day. It was not without coincidence that there were gale force winds prior to ourconference, causing travel plans to be upended and frantic re-organisation for the delegates.
Eclipses have an effect on the human form: there is light in our bloodstream and during eclipses, this light undergoes flocculation, that is, it becomes dim for the passing of the eclipse. Ancient authorities always advised to be indoors engaged in sacred activity during eclipses, promising that prayers and mantras are magnified 100,000 times if done during an eclipse. In this day, this age, we are simply asked to follow our spiritual path during eclipses and not go to extremes looking at the Sun without the proper protection of eye-shades, like this.
The other significance – for this conference, the time of the Lemurian Light Language Blessing – was a positive spiritual effect. By engaging in the rituals led by Raeline Brady – Earth Body Activation, Solar Dragons, Star Mirrors of Mu, Dimensional Temples, and the Lemurian Gateway activation: the effect of these activities were all reinforced and supercharged by this eclipse. The Full Moon was in the sign of stillness, isolation and deep transformation … these were the characteristics of the rites and sacred activations we were engaged in.
We were reminded that the effects of this eclipse would remain with us for a period of six months. Planet Jupiter was involved, and Jupiter multiplies and expands energy, wherever we place our thoughts, our efforts: there – with the help of Jupiter, there is expansion.
The Gateway Ritual
I will probably never get down to that Ansar Beach again. The effect of smoking in teenage and for the next 35 years caught up with me on the way back up and showed me how much cardiovascular aerobic capacity I have lost over the years.
Finally, we are called together and link arms in a what resembled the Fibonacci sequence.
(Earlier, we participated in a session about Solar Dragons and Golden Eggs.
A very large crystal was embedded in the cusp of a rock structure.
Raeline Brady commenced the opening of the Gateway.
By this time, I could not hear a thing as I had taken my hearing aids off – one doesn’t get rain in hearing aids, they go kaput! if this happens.
So I cannot hear a thing but I watch.

There is chanting, supplication, invocation of the Lemurian Light Energy, we are all connected via arms linked together somewhat resembling the Fibonacci sequence standing around the crystal
Raeline Brady is tracing sigils with her fingers and breathes over said tracing as energy was invoked. I can’t hear a thing, but watch Raeline.
I see a red streak flare up from the terminated crystal and then a surge of green light emerges from the crystal and flows along Raeline Brady’s arms before flowing out to all the persons holding arms together resembling the Fibonacci sequence.
Maybe I wasn’t meant to hear anything but to see it all on the higher level of Lemurian Light Energy!

Here’s Raeline doing her thing to the directions, afterwards, with a crystal wand:

Raeline Brady shared, inter-alia,
A powerfully spontaneous unification ceremony took place in 100 Oaks Forest with deep reverence and divine flow
The Divinity held in Nature sent the white Fairy Tern or “itata’e bird messengers of Polynesian deity Tane, that looked like peace doves swirling dancing and singing in murmuration over head and suddenly halted the second we reached our crescendo
They are considered a symbol of safe return and assurance of reaching one’s ultimate destination 🕊️🌟🌀🌟🕊️
All is connected ~ Gateways within gateways Fractals within fractality
We have all had our experiences, individually and as a group. Some went to Dids’ place, others had readings from Gaye Evans, who came and spoke of the island energies, the mermaids and the guardians of Norfolk Island. We were told of the solar energies, and of Archangels and Ascended Masters, and were invited to join in with the Astral Travel Guerillas led by Alobar Jones. Drew Danahur came and led us in bhajana and chanting, and spoke of consciousness beyond the body. Vaughan Nicol led us in the harmonics of the cosmos with the shofar. I had a particular experience with the shofar – for some unknown reason I looked at my hands before the blowing of the shofar and found two red lines on the heel of both palms. After the blowing of the shofar, these lines disappeared. I shared my experience with Vaughan, a gifted artist who could elicit his gifts in those who participate in his workshops. We were guided by JoJo Spark in Neurologica, exploring the inner dimensions of our neural networks with drawing and colour.
David Emery came from the UK via Zoom and led us in a fascinating discussion of Humanity’s Hidden Heart of Ascension. He references the Ain Soph, the Merkaba vehicle, the star-gates and portals and the counter-rotating electromagnetic spiral pairs that merge to form the Merkaba. He went on to share among other things,
Source provides a regular (every 26,000 years) natural abundance of energy-flow from the Heart of Source and into every life-form throughout the universe and this flow passes into and through the Star-Gates by allowing them to naturally open for a specific time so that the energies also pass into the various bodies of the beings living within that consciousness-matrix.
This is how consciousness expands and how beings may ‘move’ – in consciousness – into other, higher-frequency existences in what we might call, ‘other dimensions’.
A dimension is really another ‘Aspect-of-Creation’, in which expanding consciousness may step into and exist for a while. Like entering a bigger, brighter ‘room’ or ‘hall’ or, as Jesus said, ‘mansion’, where that consciousness can KNOW itself more absolutely.
Much has been shared by our presenters. Much has been internalised, and still later, much will emerge as the Earth transits the Chaotic Nodes and these, the Guardians of Mu, the Guardians of the Lemurian Ancient Light Energy follow their paths and transform this world we live in. How will they do that? By being themselves, by pursuing their paths, by sharing their truths with others, by walking with integrity, light, truth and nobility.