William and Catherine Booth: The Salvation Army

William and Catherine BoothWILLIAM BOOTH was the most successful evangelist of the nineteenth century. In an age when travelling preachers counted their conversions – and used their weekly totals to advertise for new work – Booth certainly topped the performance league. And, although he never descended to such commercial practices himself, he took great pride in his unparalleled talent for saving souls. But his importance was the world he took as his parish. The poor were his natural congregation and, at least in his early days, the only people who listened to his sermons were the men and women to whom the Church would not reach out.

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Notes on a Solar Eclipse – July 2019

Solar EclipseThe July 2nd 2019 solar eclipse will be followed by the partial lunar eclipse of two weeks later. This eclipse occurs in the Southern Hemisphere, mostly across the Pacific Ocean and then visible in South America – Chile, Agentina, and pretty much ending at sunset in major cities such as Buenos Aires and Montevideo, Argentina (sunset is ten minutes after partial totality at 0.99 Magnitude in Buneos Aires).

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Photograph lays bare reality of melting Greenland sea ice

dogs dragging sleds over melted fjord
A team from the Danish Meteorological Institute travels across the melted sea ice to retrieve equipment. Photograph: Steffen M Olsen/Twitter
Rapidly melting sea ice in Greenland has presented an unusual hazard for research teams retrieving their oceanographic moorings and weather station equipment.

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Full Moon – June 2019

Full MoonThe Creative Source of the All speaks through many instruments – past, present and future – yes, instruments from the future speak to us. (This is not new. Think of the Wingmakers material.) The Source of the All shares with us that Full Moons are times of plentiful energy placed at our disposal to use for the welfare of our world, in Hinduism – Loka sevanam – service to the world. So we look to the energies of our June Full Moon and what the needs of our home – Mother Earth – are at this time.

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UFOs have come out of the fringe and into the mainstream

UFO in metropolitain skiesNASA has been declassifying documents and releasing records of Area 51 and similar activities into the public domain since 2017. Various researchers and spiritual seekers who have been researching UFO phenomena, channelling or reporting on UFO events related to Ascension have been posting the unclassified material on their websites and similar aggregation news websites. Now, formally, the news is out. UFO’s are real, and have been researched since the Roswell incident.

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Full Moon – May 2019

Full Moon at the end of the roadThe Full Moon for May 2019 is the Vesak Full Moon, celebrating the birth, enlightenment and passing of the Buddha. Other festivals for this day are Vaishakha Purnima, Anvadhan and Kurma Jayanti. Divine inner light is strong at this time and meditation is beneficial.

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Hildegard von Bingen

Hildegard of Bingen was a preacher at a time when canon law forbade women to preach, a named composer when most music was anonymous, a visionary, a theologian, a writer, an artist, a hagiographer, a prolific letter-writer and an early scientist, botanist, herbalist, physician and healer – she even invented her own coded language. This German Benedictine anchorite who lived in the twelfth century was in the fullest sense a polymath. Yet she was an enclosed nun, until mid-life her only contact with the outside world being through a single window.

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Full Moon – March 2019

At this time, there is a special equinox as it will also occur around the Full Moon which will culminate less than four hours after the equinox. There are many sacred festivals – Hinduism has Holi, the Sikhs celebrate Hola Mohalla, the Baha’i’s celebrate their new year – Naw Ruz, and the Jewish faith observes Purim. In the secular arena, March 21st is International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. It is also a time of inner challenge, and that challenge points – highlighted by 5 weak planets, urge us all toward managing the mind and our thoughts.

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International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day (IWD) is celebrated around the world on the 8th of March and is time to reflect on progress made, to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of their countries and communities. UN Women’s global theme for IWD 2019 is ‘ Think equal, build smart, innovate for change’, linking with the UN Commission on the Status of Women’s focus on social protection, public services and sustainable infrastructure.

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Dame Julian of Norwich

Julian was an Anchoress. It is fairly certain that she was not a nun. An anchoress was a person called to a solitary life, but one that was not cut-off from the world, but one anchored in it. Her life was one of prayer and contemplation, a life highly thought of by people of the time. Her 14th Century blockbuster The Revelations Of Divine Love made her the first woman to write a book in the English language (that we know of).

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Full Moon February 2019

The February 2019 Full Moon comes at a time when the Earth is experiencing heavy rains, storms, flash flooding, mudslides and dam breakages or overflows, causing much destruction and loss of life. It behoves us to attend to the energies surrounding us and to use our talents for the welfare of mankind instead of focussing on our troubles …

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The Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme

The theme of the Holocaust remembrance and education activities this year is “Holocaust Remembrance: Demand and Defend Your Human Rights”. This theme encourages youth to learn from the lessons of the Holocaust, act against discrimination and defend democratic values in their communities, at a time when the spread of Neo-Nazism and hate groups fuels the rising antisemitism and other forms of hatred around the world. The theme highlights the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

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Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse 20-21 January

The first lunar eclipse of the year occurs at the Moon’s ascending node in Cancer. This eclipse, visible in North and South America, the western most parts of Europe and Africa will occur on the evening of 20-21 January 2019. It will be a full lunar eclipse, which some are calling a Blood Wolf Moon. The southern half of the Moon will appear much darker than the northern half.

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