Notes on the September (Vernal) Equinox

Stonehenge at Equinox

The Full Moon of September 9 has passed; the Earth moves on towards the next new moon, which will be a time of changes in our skies, our seasons and the duty of the planets as they converse and deliver light and energy forms within the human. Depending on where you are on this planet, the Fall equinox arrives on September 23 - or it may be the Vernal Equinox, which hails Spring in the other hemisphere. In this post, we look to changes and consider the 4th Dimension.

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Note about Planetary War

planetary war

Mars is currently encountering Rahu, and under the astrological dicta, Sani vat Rahu (Rahu behaves like Saturn), some reckon that a time of tension occurs as these to graha - seizers of energy - approach conjunction and change houses. Both planets will be sandhi, that is, somewhat depleted of energy as they are within one degree of house - sign boundary. This is not graha yuddha, planetary war. This will pass quickly.

However, planetary war will take place when Mars moves out of sandhi into Libra and gets to within 1 degree of Saturn. Some astrologers have told that this will be months of doom and disaster in various places on our planet. Some have said, inter-alia, that the four horsemen of the apocalypse will ride, and the end of an age with all its dreadful appurtenances will occur. We examine this phenomena from a spiritual discipline.

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The Cardinal Grand Cross

Cardinal Grand Cross

The great palaeontologist Teilhard de Chardin commenced his Mass on the World with "Since once again, Lord—though this time not in the forests of the Aisne". So once again, it behooves jyothishas' to pay some attention to the Cousins – those who practice and follow western (tropical) astrology. Some western astrological websites are expecting major world events with the Cardinal Grand Cross occurring April 20-24th with Mars squaring Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter and then the oppositions between Jupiter and Pluto and Mars and Uranus. With respect to our astrological cousins, we look to this matter as it is a period straddled by two eclipses: the lunar eclipse of 14 April and the solar eclipse of April 29.

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Note on Solar New Year

Idol of Sun God

The Solar New Year begins when the Sun enters the sign of Aries in the zodiac. This is a traditional time when one casts a kundli or birth chart for the nation in order that one might ascertain what is ahead for that country in the forthcoming year. Other jyotisha may use the annual varshapaal chart; using the entry of the Sun, Lord Surya, into Aries is also taken as well-established. In this note about the Solar New Year, we would speak of the role of the outer sun and the inner sun in our lives, the placement of the Sun for the coming year and its relation to the Fourth (and other dimensions) and the story of Hanuman swallowing the Sun. The Sun then gives the gift of the Vedas to Hanuman.

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A Note on Eclipses


Mid April of 2004 is a time when the Solar New Year is immediately followed by a lunar eclipse; 14 days later there will be a solar eclipse. The day of the lunar eclipse is also the festival of Hanuman - the first Star-being who over-sighted this planet (and cared for it) and also the Varnara who served Lord Rama, the one who loved God the most. Between these eclipses, the Cardinal Grand Cross will occur in the heavens. These are significant events accompanying the return of the 4th Dimension. In this post, we will take a look at the importance of this Solar New Year, the significance of Hanuman immediately following, and give some astrological observations about eclipses.

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Rahu, Swati and Transformation


Shadow Planet Rahu – the head of the dragon in vedic mythology – is an interesting planet: it actually has no form. That is why it is called a shadow planet, for Rahu (and counterpart Ketu) are known to be causes of eclipses, and have affect on the human body and human mind at the time of eclipse. They bring about transformation. Transformation is the subject of this post as Rahu is currently transiting Libra, where it has been with Saturn, for some time. Rahu is also transiting a Nakshatra by name of Swati. What is the effect of Rahu in Swati?

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Junk DNA and Rahu


There have been a lot of questions about Rahu from visitors to this site, so we will attempt to answer a few of these as best we can from the perspective of Rahu as a karmic dispositor, and therefore, a spiritual agent of human evolution and return to source. Junk DNA and Rahu have a lot to do with this, as we shall discover.

The myth behind the shadow planet Rahu speaks of the Asura Swabhanu, who was a dragon. He was sundered – cut apart – after the churning of the Ocean of Milk, wherein the last gift was amrita, the nectar of immortality, which Rahu obtained by subterfuge. So the DNA image here – the twisting strands that hold the key to the building blocks of our life somewhat resemble the whole, Swabhanu the demon, sundered in two.

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Ketu and Social Networking – 1

Ketu and Social Networking

Navagraha Ketu - God without head

A Puranic Chant for Ketu:

Kethum karala vadanam, chithra varnam, kireetinam,
Pranamami sada kethum, dwajaakaaram graheswaram.

I always salute Ketu, who has face filled with horror, Who is of multiple
colors, has a crown, Who is shaped like a flag and is the Lord of planets.

Chithra varna sira pathu, bhalam dhoomra samudhyuthi,
Pathu nethre pingalaksha, sruthi may raktha lochana.

Let the multicoloured one protect my head, Let my hair be protected by he
who produces smoke, Let my eyes be protected by one with reddish
brown eye, And let what I hear be protected by He who has red blood eyes.

Granam pathu swarnabha, schibukam simhikasutha,
Pathum cha kandam may Kethu, skandou pathu grahadhipa.

Let my smell be protected by him who shines like gold, Let my chin be
protected by the son of Simhika, Let my neck and feet be protected by
Ketu, And let the Lord of Planets protect my shoulder

Hasthou pathu sura sreshta, kukshim pathu maha graha,
Simhasana katim pathu, madhyam pathu mahasura.

Let my arms be protected by the chief of devas, Let the great planet
protect my belly, Let my hip be protected by he who sits on the
throne, And let the great asura protect my middle.

Ooru pathu maha seersho, januni may athi kopana,
Pathu padhou cha may kroora, sarvangam nara pingala.

Let my thighs be protected by the great head, Let my knees be protected
by him with great anger, Let my feet be protected by the cruel one, And let
all my parts of body be protected by the reddish brown God.

Ya idham kavacham divyam, sarva roga vinasanam,
Sarva shathru vinasam cha, dharanad vijayi bhaved.

This holy armour destroys all diseases, Destroys all enemies and,
Once worn will make you victorious.

Ithi Brahmanda Purane Kethu Kavacham sampoornam.
Thus ends the Armour of Ketu from Brahmanda Purana.

We have seen a lot of questions about Ketu raised by search engines which bring visitors to this site, so we shall answer significant questions as we can from the perspective of Ketu as a karmic dispositor, and therefore, a spiritual agent of true humaness.

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Saturn and Shiva

Sani at Kailash

Saturn is both son of The Sun by his shadow wife Chaaya, and the most powerful of all the planets in that all seek to avoid his gaze, drishti. There is another whom all seek to avoid the gaze of, Lord Shiva, for the dristhi of the third eye of Shiva causes whatever is seen to burnt. Both deities have all properties of creation-preservation-destruction, in addition to unavoidable energy that has power, shakti, over all that exists. None can avoid the sade-sati of Lord Saturn; None can avoid Lord Shiva, the receiver of all things.

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Aspects of Saturn


One of the names of the Creative Source of All is kalatheethaya; Lord of Time. The Creative source of All dispenses energy to our solar system, and via our sun, dispenses magnetic solar energy to all the planets. The planet that rules the progress of time in the action (and seemingly, inaction) of human life is Planet Saturn. Saturn rules time; Saturn freezes, stalls, stiffens, desiccates, delays, and retards.

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Navaratri – the Nine Planets


This is the 9th day of the Navaratri celebrations – and the final day of celebration: the day is called Vijaya Dasami, the Day of Victory; it celebrates the victory of Mother Durga against the force of evil. Sai Baba has told that the nine nights of Navaratri refer to the nine planets – so in this festival the forces of the planets are invoked to remind mankind that they should cultivate noble qualities by engaging themselves in activities beneficial to one’s own self and society.

Sai Baba of Puttaparthi went on to say that each planet has its own significance. However, these planets are not outside, they are within. This refers to the cosmic energies of the planets within, which are like our solar system, forces circumambulating the Sol (outer sun) – and within, these same forces are circumambulating the Soul (inner sun). The colour for the 9th and victorious day of Navaratri is PEACOCK GREEN so we scribe in Peacock Green for this 9th day of Navaratri.

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Navaratri – Rahu and Ketu

symbol, rahu ketu

This is the 8th day of the Navaratri celebrations – and the festival rapidly draws to its magnificent conclusion. As Sai Baba has told that the nine nights of Navaratri refer to the nine planets – which includes the two shadow planets Rahu and Ketu (their symbols are here on in this image) on this 8th day. All festivals are meant to remind mankind that they should cultivate noble qualities by engaging themselves in activities beneficial to one’s own self and society.

Speaking about the nine planets, Sai Baba of Puttaparthy went on to say that each planet has its own significance. However, these planets are not outside, they are within. This refers to the cosmic energies of the planets within, and pursuit of the spiritual path would have regard for the influences upon us from birth. Taking up the opportunity presented by Navaratri we look to the influence of the two nodes – Rahu and Ketu – and their inner activity and also examine how the Divine Mother is related to these energies, in the form of Maa Durga. The colour for the 8th day of Navaratri is PURPLE so we scribe in Purple for this 8th day of Navaratri.

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The 4th and 5th Dimensions and Self-Discipline

The energies of the 4th and 5th Dimensions are experienced as expanded capacities of the mind. The psychic abilities of clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience and clairgnosis become heightened. We begin to have psychic experiences we have not had before. Time moves more quickly; energy moves faster and different forms of energy, particularly thought energy and the energy of emotion become more perceptible. Much of this is perceived within the mind. The mind is the servant of man, not the master.

For many people, the mind is the master, the driver, the unquestioned leader within. Many people simply follow the dictates of their mind, as if they are the servant of their minds. This is putting the cart before the horse. The mind in fact is the servant, and you, in your being, in your self-awareness, are the master. In order to successfully master this transition to the 4th and 5th Dimensions, management of the mind is needed. We become aware of the need for self discipline and self control.

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The Challenges of Rahu

The Challenges of Rahu

Om nakadwajaaya vidmahe padma hastaaya dheemahi tanno rahu prachodayat

Narrative of Rahu

The myth behind the shadow planet Rahu speaks of the demon Swarbhanu, who was beheaded after the churning of the Ocean of Milk, where-from the last gift that emerged was amrita, the nectar of immortality. The demons and the gods had agreed to cooperate and churn the ocean of milk in order to receive the precious gifts it possessed. They would take the gifts – but the demons engaged in subterfuge and obtained the last gift – the pot containing the nectar of immortality. The gods, outraged, called to Lord Vishnu for aid. The aid was given in the form of an enchantress who deceived the demons, all but Rahu, who took his place among the gods, was found out and subsequently beheaded. The head was known as Rahu, and later, the body was resuscitated and known as Ketu. In this way we have the story behind how eclipses come about with the action of the two non-luminary planets, Rahu and Ketu.

There is one signifcant aspect of Rahu as planet casting influence: Rahu’s influence on the mind frequently surfaces as illusion, hallucination and over-use of imagination to form reality, where balance and common-sense would test what is imaged within against a wholesome, well-serving self-discipline. As the ego is outward-seizing in nature and seeks to grasp all that it sees (note the meaning of graha is to grasp) there are uncommon challenges for who are driven by the influence of Rahu. Rahu seeks to have, to possess or to dominate in social situations, depending on what house Rahu is in. Rahu’s location the 12 bhavas (houses) determine the nature of the inner creations of the mind.

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Venus and Discrimination in the 4th Dimension

Venus covered with clouds

Venus is (sometimes solely) linked with desire and passion. Venus has larger scope: it is the creative urge within, displayed as creativity, artistic works and productions, elegance and grace in human endeavour. When energy and vibration rise within the human person, it is important to discern to what end this energy and vibration are directed. In the 4th and 5th Dimensions, discrimination is the gift of the Planet Venus.

One of the signatures of the 4th Dimension is time speeding up. This is due the faster, higher vibration of the 4th Dimension. Due the reactivation of the “junk DNA” within the human, access to hitherto forgotten psychic skills and metaphysical abilities return to the human person. This is on account of the Earth returning to the 4th dimension from whence it fell after the destruction brought about by the civilisation called Atlantis. What, then, is the role of Planet Venus in our lives in the 4th Dimension?

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A grand sextile – a new cornucopia

Green Cornucopia

From time to time, it behooves Vedic Astrology to pay some attention to the cousins; those who practice and follow western (tropical) astrology. It is sometimes of benefit to check horoscopes cast for confirmation; it is also important, as many minds cast their attention to this form of astrology, and hence, it has a certain validity. We take our point of departure from Leonard French's teachings on self-fulfilling prophecy. As so many westerners only know this form of astrology, attention must be given, if only to explain certain phenomena.

On July 29, classical tropical astrology advises that many planets will form a disposition known as the "Grand Sextile". This event has a subtle spiritual significance far beyond the considerations and interpretations of astrology and astronomy. It indicates – albeit on a subtle level – the rise and rise of energies which will result in a rise in mass consciousness.

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Ketu and Spiritual Intelligence Part 2

Ketu – South Node of Moon

Navagraha Ketu - planetary deity without a head

Om Chitravarnaya vidmahe
Sarpa Roopaya Dheemahe
Tanno Ketu Prachodayat

Self empowerment

We consider Ketu, South Node of the Moon as karaka – disposer – of intelligence of a high order. As man is a unity of mind, body and spirit, then there are forms of knowing appropriate to the body, to the mind and the intellect, which is nearest the soul (the atma), and derives over 90% of its illumination from the soul. Ketu is also karaka for spiritual intelligence. In these days after the Summer Solstice of 2012, new energies are pouring forth from the Creative Source of All, the Central Source of all universes, and these energies mark the return of the 4th dimension, lost to man since the Fall of Atlantis.

With the Fall of Atlantis, the Earth fell out of the 4th Dimension. What, then, is the enhanced role and function of the planets in the return to the 4th Dimension? What is the spiritual order in the 4th Dimension? For answers to these questions, we turn to the shadow-planet (chhaya graha) Ketu, who is dispositor of Spiritual Intelligence.

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Ketu and Spiritual Intelligence Part 1

Ketu – South Node of Moon

Navagraha Ketu - God without head

Om Chitravarnaya vidmahe
Sarpa Roopaya Dheemahe
Tanno Ketu Prachodayat

Ketu, the opposite node to Rahu, came into being during the churning of the Ocean of Milk. The last gift of that churning was the emergence of the God of Healing, Dhanvantari, with the pot of amrit, the nectar of immortality. Ketu and Rahu were whole at that time, in the form of a demon known as Swarbharnu, who engaged in subterfuge to obtain the nectar whilst it was being served out by the enchantress Mohini. The deception was discovered by the Sun and Moon, who ran tale-telling to the great God Maha Vishnu, who promptly sent his discus and separated the head from the body; the body is today known as Lord Ketu, South Node of the Moon.

Ketu has very poor reputation garnered over the ages and in narrative, yet, is disposer of intelligence of a deep order. Ketu is also disposer of Spiritual Intelligence.

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