The December Solstice (Summer Solstice) is on Wednesday, 21 December 2016 at 9:44 pm on the eastern seaboard of Australia. This day is 4 hours, 58 minutes longer than on June Solstice. In locations south of Equator, the longest day of the year is around this date.
In the southern hemisphere, the mid-winter solstice will take place on June 22nd, 2015, in the early morning hours - 2:39AM in many places. This solstice heralds the ingress of a powerful time for humanity as a whole, in the social domain, in learning and self-learning - particularly with regard to Ascension - and the ongoing activation of so-called "junk-DNA" and the escalating energies of the stargates. In this article, we look to the astrological indications of this sacred time.Read more →
The Summer Solstice is coming on 22 December, and coming at the time when the light coming into the world - the coming of light at Christmas, the coming of light for Deepavali - Diwali, and the celebration of light at Hanukkah. Two years ago, at the time of solstice, the light grids were raised around the Earth and more light energies flowed to Earth from the Central Sun of our Universe. This solstice marks this coming of light and provides further opportunity to integrate the raising of personal and world-wide energies into the 5th Dimension. We begin this note by observing the solstice timing from Uluru, one of the main light centres on this Earth.