Looking at Climate Change – 6th House

The Sixth house is the house of debts, financial control, service to those in need and public health. It is the house of public amity, communal harmony and helpful labour relations. In this instance we take a Virgo lagna and look to Aquarius as 6th House and ask ourselves, What are the important matters for 6th house and climate change?

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Vata dosha, Air signs, Vata Planets and Compassion …

Vata, Vata, Vata

Vata is one of the three doshas, or constitutions of Ayurveda. Vata means airy or wind, and this applies to to planets. The Vata planets are Sun, Mercury, Rahu, the Air signs are Mithuna (Gemini) Tula (Libra) and Kumbh (Aquarius). Right now, we have a situation where an air sign is full of planets and is being aspected by Vata planets.

Gemini planets

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