Ketu Questions

Ketu idol wreath by smoke

We have noticed further questions about Ketu raised by search engines which bring visitors to this site, so we will engage in more discussion about Ketu and address some of the questions raised: Ketu in various nakshatras, Ketu and the Moon, Ketu and Mars conjunction. And if there is time, we may address Ketu and Spirituality. We keep in mind that Ketu is a shadow planet, a karmic repository and an important agent on the journey toward the goal of life. Ketu (which means flag) actually flags important staging posts on the human journey of return to the Source.

Ketu, the opposite node to Rahu, came into being during the churning of the Ocean of Milk. The last gift of that churning was the emergence of the God of Healing, Dhanvantari, with the pot of amrit, the nectar of immortality. Ketu and Rahu were whole at that time, in the form of a demon known as Swabharnu, who engaged in subterfuge to obtain the nectar whilst it was being served out by the enchantress Mohini. The deception was discovered by the Sun and Moon, who ran tale-telling to the great God Maha Vishnu, who promptly sent his discus and separated the head from the body; the body is today known as Lord Ketu, South Node of the Moon.

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Vata dosha, Air signs, Vata Planets and Compassion …

Vata, Vata, Vata

Vata is one of the three doshas, or constitutions of Ayurveda. Vata means airy or wind, and this applies to to planets. The Vata planets are Sun, Mercury, Rahu, the Air signs are Mithuna (Gemini) Tula (Libra) and Kumbh (Aquarius). Right now, we have a situation where an air sign is full of planets and is being aspected by Vata planets.

Gemini planets

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Ketu and Spiritual Intelligence Part 2

Ketu – South Node of Moon

Navagraha Ketu - planetary deity without a head

Om Chitravarnaya vidmahe
Sarpa Roopaya Dheemahe
Tanno Ketu Prachodayat

Self empowerment

We consider Ketu, South Node of the Moon as karaka – disposer – of intelligence of a high order. As man is a unity of mind, body and spirit, then there are forms of knowing appropriate to the body, to the mind and the intellect, which is nearest the soul (the atma), and derives over 90% of its illumination from the soul. Ketu is also karaka for spiritual intelligence. In these days after the Summer Solstice of 2012, new energies are pouring forth from the Creative Source of All, the Central Source of all universes, and these energies mark the return of the 4th dimension, lost to man since the Fall of Atlantis.

With the Fall of Atlantis, the Earth fell out of the 4th Dimension. What, then, is the enhanced role and function of the planets in the return to the 4th Dimension? What is the spiritual order in the 4th Dimension? For answers to these questions, we turn to the shadow-planet (chhaya graha) Ketu, who is dispositor of Spiritual Intelligence.

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Reflections on Rahu Part III

Rahu - North Node of Moon

Om nakadwajaaya vidmahe padma hastaaya dheemahi tanno rahu prachodayat
Om nakadwajaaya vidmahe

padma hastaaya dheemahi

tanno rahu prachodayat

Considerations on the influence of Rahu

In these days of powerful cosmic forces being unleashed through our Sun, the amount of light flowing to the mind-body-spirit complex – the combining and recombining of light within our bodies and surrounding our soul as impressions and wishes, desires – self-discipline is a sine-qua-non, that which we cannot do without. The Human is the Hue-man filled with the various hues of light. How may we take up the influence of Rahu and apply it with wholesome, balanced self-discipline and bring order of the chaos as mankind learns more of its origins?

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Solar New Year and 4th Dimension – Part 2

(This is Part Two of a letter to my friend, Gandhi. Gandhi is his nickname due his remarkable resemblance to the late Mahatma Gandhi. “Gandhi” lives in Puttaparthi, and asked me about the forthcoming Solar New Year. In the last post, I began with a general overview of the Sun’s dispersion of rays, and how this energy is being checked or throttled by Saturn and Rahu, and how the 4th Dimension energy continue to flow to us with checks and balances. )

Dear Gandhi,
you wrote to me and asked about the Solar New Year and what it might have in store for you. In my last letter, I explained how the Sun is vargottama in 14 divisions and what this means. There are checks and balances brought by Saturn and Rahu, and Mars is depleted, in combustion being so close to the Sun; Mars is weakened to the tune of 95% so there are changes in the way strength and force are used. Social networking, social relationships are in for a marked change due this combustion of Mars.

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Reflections on Rahu

Rahu – North Node of Moon

Rahu - Dragon's Head and North Node of Moon

Om nakadwajaaya vidmahe
padma hastaaya dheemahi
tanno rahu prachodayat

Aspects of Rahu as Shadow Planet (Chhaya Graha)

The myth behind the shadow planet Rahu speaks of the Asura Swarbhanu, who was a dragon. He was sundered during the churning of the Ocean of Milk, wherein the last gift was amrita, the nectar of immortality.

The demons and the gods had agreed to co-operate and churn the ocean of milk in order to receive the precious gifts it had. They would take the gifts – but the demons engaged in subterfuge and obtained the last gift – the pot containing the nectar of immortality. The gods, outraged, called to Lord Vishnu for aid.

Lord Vishnu took the disguise of an enchantress, Mohini. This enchantress prevented the demons from drinking the pot of amrita, and made arrangements to divide the pot between the gods and the demons. The enchantress fooled the demons with her beauty and sweet endearments, whilst feeding the contents of the pot to the gods. Swarbhanu was not fooled; he had clearer perception, took a disguise and sat among the gods and was given a taste of the nectar. The Sun and the Moon, saw the deception and informed Vishnu, who promptly took off Swarbhanu’s head with his discus. The body fell down dead (and was later revived as Ketu); the head had tasted immortality and continued to live. It is said that Rahu seeks revenge by “swallowing” the Sun and Moon from time to time – this is the explanation for occurrence of eclipses.

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Rahu-Ketu Transit and the Gunas


Very shortly after the opening of the 4th Dimension and the return of the Earth to this — and higher dimensions in our solar system — a small, invisible, transition among the shadowy planets will take place. Shadowy planets — called chaaya grahas — are not seen. They are points of magnetic force which have impact in our solar system and on our Earth. Our bodies are woven from light itself, from the very source of light (called Paramjyothi in Vedic literature). We are in fact the light of the Source and the mask of illusion, called Maya, causes us to see this world as real. In fact everything that happens in this world and in our lives on Earth are taking place in light. So we look to the light and its role in our lives.

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