Yama – Dharmaraja

There is the Hindu deity Yama, mostly known – and feared – as the God of Death: Yama, the god who judges the souls at the end of life. His other name is Dharmaraja, and he is called Lord of Justice, said to be rightly judging souls for their accumulated deeds on Earth. Said to be blue in colour, he rides a he-buffalo, and holds a rope and a stick (danda).

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Spirituality: Ten Kinds of Purity

In these days of the darkness of Kali Yuga, we are awash with titillation, sexting, pornography, revenge porn, and couples so bereft of sexual energy that they have to watch porn to even get started in congress. This is the darkness of Kali Yuga, the Age of Iron wherein righteousness stands on one leg and is in danger of falling over. Purity of thoughts, words and actions in needed. In this posting, we bring you ten kinds of purity as taught by Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

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Baba’s Letter to his brother, 1947

“To all who are devoted to Me:

My dear Ones! I received the communication that you wrote and sent; I found in it the surging floods of doubts and anxiety. Let Me tell you that it is impossible to plumb the hearts and discover the nature of Jnanis, Yogis, ascetics, saints, sages and the like. People are endowed with a variety of characteristics and mental attitudes so that each one judges according to his own angle. talks and argues in the light of his own nature. But we have to stick to our own path, our own wisdom, our own resolution without getting affected by popular appraisal. As the proverb says, It is only the fruit-laden tree that receives the shower of stones from passers-by. The good always provoke the bad into calumny; the bad always provoke the good into derision. This is the nature of this world. One must be surprised if such things do not happen.

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Spiritual Intelligence

This page is an overview of and introduction to Spiritual Intelligence. The spiritual focus given is not any one particular religion, faith or belief system; rather, on practical elements which are common to spiritual activity by humans. All intelligence is problem solving skill. Intelligence(s) in all its forms, are used to solve problems we encounter.

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Spiritual: Golden Rule – Meditation Exercises

As the international interfaith movement grows, it is becoming more common to use sacred texts from several religious traditions in both individual and communal prayer. Multi-faith prayer services are one context that frequently features sacred writings from many religions. In addition, the Golden Rule may be used for a variety of meditations. Scarboro Missions have provided just such one resource, free, online.

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Spirituality: 7 Tricks for Ditching Technology During Family Vacations

Have you ever relied on technology to curb the repeated “are-we-there-yet” question from your kids? Or maybe you’ve entertained yours kids (and even yourself) during long flights or drives with tablets, laptops, and cell phones? If you’re a parent in 2017, I’d be shocked if you answered “no” to those questions.

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Spirituality: Americans may be getting less religious, but feelings of spirituality are on the rise

The phrase “spiritual but not religious” has become widely used in recent years by some Americans who are trying to describe their religious identity. While Pew Research Center does not categorize survey respondents in such a way, our surveys do find that the U.S. public overall appears to be growing a bit less religious – but also somewhat more spiritual.

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