All Planets Direct Meditation

A rare phenomena will occur from 8 January to 7 February when all the planets will take up direct motion, when viewed from the Earth. This event will make the Earth seem like the Sun, where planets are never retrograde (seemingly going backwards). A world meditation for peace, harmony and positivity will be undertaken during this period, for it is a period without major obstructions and blemishes. Any worldwide synchronised meditation on peace and harmony will benefit both all on Earth and those who contribute to the meditation.

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Sunrise at Uluru

In Vedic Astrology, the day begins when the Sun rises. (A day is counted from sunrise-to-sunrise.) Looking to this sunrise of 1st of January 2017, we go to the heart, the Heart of our Planet – Uluru, the mysterious monolith, which, we have been informed by the Angelic Realms, is now the Heart Chakra of our planet. So from this region sacred unto all humanity – as well as the indigenous peoples – we look to see what the planets and nakshatras offer for us 2017.

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Juno arrives at Jupiter

Astronomers and scientists are excited: Juno will reach Jupiter at lunchtime on July 5 (AEST) having travelled almost 3 billion km in 5 years. Jupiter is like a time capsule of the early solar system – its inner structure will reveal how planets form. During 37 orbits Juno will study the planet’s structure, gravity and magnetic field. Looking at this event from Vedic Astrology suggests that the visit of Juno to Jupiter will present profound transformation for understanding life on Earth.

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Spiritual Opportunities in the Birth Chart

Vedic astrology is essentially the chart of the soul, the soul-contract for this lifetime. It shows what our body will be like, our siblings, our illnesses, our health, our career, our home environment and the influence of others on us, as well as our influence on the world. When we are born, we bring a blessing to our family. The family in turn gives us our nurturance, our love, our strength, and our opportunities to fulfil the soul contract this time. In this reflection, we look to the houses of the birth chart and the spiritual opportunities given therein.

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Lunar New Year – Time to Shine

The Lunar New Year comes with the New Moon in Pisces, early in April. This lunar new year, it is time to shine: it is time for Indigo Children, Crystal Children, Diamond Children and Rainbow Children and-Teens-and-ADULTS to shine. Your time has come, your mission has begun. It is time to spread your light on Earth. We take our reading from where the Soul of the Earth is located: the Sphinx at Giza.

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When the Sun enters Capricorn

Makara Sankranti is celebration of the entry of the Sun into Capricorn. In India, it is the entry of the Sun, (Surya) into zodicac sign called Makara, hence, it is called Makara Sankranti. This festival marks the end of Winter and the beginning of Spring. It is a day of celebration, the commencement of harvest, and special foods are prepared (pongal) and gifts are exchanged – sometimes, the gifting of idols to family and friends. It is important to feed people on this day, as the gifts of the Earth belong to all. Looking deeper into the divisional charts of vedic astrology on this occasion suggests a spiritual benefice is available to seekers.

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A Christmas Full Moon

The final full moon of 2015 will rise on Christmas Day this year – the first time it has occurred at the same time as the holiday since 1977. NASA forecasts the two events will not coincide again until 2034. NASA said the full moon would also be the smallest since 2004. The astronomical event is called apogee and occurs when the moon is at the farthest reach of its orbit from the Earth, nearly 407,000 kilometres away.

We have shared – via guidance given from the Cosmic Hierarchy – that the Full Moon occasions are best days for meditations for world peace, and for sending positive energy out to those in need. We look to this occasion of Full Moon to consider the astrological indications of this full Moon at Christmas.

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A look in October 2015

October is the tenth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar, coming after September and before November. It has 31 days. Its name comes from Latin oct, meaning eight, as it was the eighth month of the year in the Old Roman Calendar before January and February were added to the beginning of the year, though its name did not change. The tenth month at the time was December. We take a look at the planets for October 2015.

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The return of the light: Uranus and the 5th Dimension

Since the end of the Thirteen Baktun cycle in the Mayan long count, December 21, 2012, the energies of the 4th Dimension have been raised and via the stargates, the energies of the 5th Dimension (and higher) have returned to Earth. Since the Fall of Atlantis, humanity fell out of the 5th Dimension, and the stargates, the web of light around the Earth were closed; extra dimensional energies were shut off, and humanity was left to recover in 3D reality.

The outer planets of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto ceased to transmit their gravitational effects to Earth and the light energies effects were not felt within the individual human. However, when these planets changed signs or nakshatras, some energies were pronounced on a global scale, for galactic energies form part of the whole, the kalapurusha (the body of space and time). In this article we look to the return of the 5th Dimensional light, and the effects of one outer planet, Uranus.

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Germanwings Crash and Self Harm

With the discovery of the second black box from the Germanwings flight 9525 in Digne, evidence is emerging – almost daily – that the pilot of this flight planned this event. Prosecutors have found on the pilot’s computer that he was searching for methods to undertake this act which resulted in the demise of 150 souls. We take a look to this act and to ultimate self harm in general.

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Astrology and the Rainbow Children

The Mystery School, through the work of The Oracle and Jalarm the Atlantean have passed back information that before the fall of Atlantis, astrology was a very precise science which advised parents about the qualities and capabilities of their children along with the life paths of their children. We have learned that in ancient times there was a 13th Sign in the 360° circle of the zodiac. This sign was known by name spider or “Arachne”. The new generation star children, known as the Rainbow Children, are born under this sign.

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