Astrology notes: Planets in Pisces ~ Varuna Peyarchi

Lord VarunaFrom late March 2022 up to the next full moon (Easter day) there are a number of astrological events occurring to which we seek to draw your attention. The New Moon in Pisces is Lunar New Year; when the Sun enters Aries, it will be Solar New Year. In that time (and after) several planets change signs including the outer planet Neptune, who will be in step with Jupiter for their ingress to Pisces.

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Lunar New Year – Time to Shine

The Lunar New Year comes with the New Moon in Pisces, early in April. This lunar new year, it is time to shine: it is time for Indigo Children, Crystal Children, Diamond Children and Rainbow Children and-Teens-and-ADULTS to shine. Your time has come, your mission has begun. It is time to spread your light on Earth. We take our reading from where the Soul of the Earth is located: the Sphinx at Giza.

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