The Immortals of Meluha

The Immortals of Meluha is the first novel of the Shiva trilogy series by Amish Tripathi. The story is set in the land of Meluha and starts with the arrival of the Tibetan tribal Shiva. The Meluhan belief that Shiva is their fabled saviour Neelkanth, is confirmed when he consumes the Somras, a legendary healing potion, which turns his throat blue. Shiva decides to help the Meluhans in their war against the Chandravanshis, who had joined forces with a cursed group called Nagas; however, in his journey and the resulting fight that ensues, Shiva learns how his choices actually reflected who he aspires to be and how it led to dire consequences.

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Three Mothers (and a camel)


 Three Mothers
(and a camel)


Three Mothers (and a camel) is actress Phyllidia Law’s chronicles about her relationship with her own mother who suffered from dementia, and her caring for her mother-in-law (who was deaf), told from the notes she wrote to her “Gran”.

We first read the notes to her mother-in-law, and slowly build up a picture of a hidden, unseen lady who never speaks in this narrative; a narrative of scribbled notes. Over many notes, we read of the cares and concerns of “Gran” who lived upstairs, and her deafness, and her good habits of washing on Mondays, ironing on Tuesdays, cleaning the house on this day, shopping on other days, fish and chips on Fridays; the patterns are those that many mothers would recognise.

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Sathya Sai Sath Sambhashana


translation, Shravan Kumar Wupendram, 2012
released Sathya Sai Birthday Celebrations, November 2012

Sathya Sai Sath Sambhashana is a book compiled by Sri Sathya Sai Baba in his own Telugu handwriting. Some time beofre taking leave of his body, Sathya Sai Baba called Sri Sravan Kumar Wupendrum to Yajur Mandir (where Baba resided) and gave the handwritten book to Sravan Kumar.

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Conversations with Spiritual Master

 Conversations with Spiritual Master
First Steps to Love

Daniel Ostoja, 2010

Daniel Ostoja shares the narrative of his life journey, in particular, his spiritual experiences from the days of his youth. As a young man, Daniel read of meditation and practised it himself, right from reading about it in a book.

My meditation did not have any religious character at that time. I used to merely sit with my legs crossed, focusing my mind on a place inside of my stomach and controlled my breath, waiting until my thoughts became quiet. It was very difficult at the beginning, but at the beginning everything is difficult and I was aware of this. I used to sit in zazen three times a day, for half an hour each time, and sometimes also for thirty minutes before going to bed.

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The Quiet Revolution


 The Quiet Revolution
The emergence of Interfaith Consciousness

ABC Books (The Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Peter Kirkwood, 2007
ISBN 978 0 7333 2002 6

Available on Amazon

Born of a production called Tomorrow’s Islam for Compass, a weekly religion program broadcast in Australia, the program’s producer encountered the Interfaith movement for the first time. Peter Kirkwood was then to encounter the Cordoba Initiative, the American Society for Muslim Advancement, and the Affinity Intercultural Foundation of Sydney, Australia.

The author quickly uncovered a multitude of interfaith organisations world-wide (and growing daily) which led to a three part series and an accompanying book. This book is the narration of the encounters with individuals in the Interfaith movement as well as serving as an oversight and introduction to the movement as a whole.

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The Effulgent Sai

 The Effulgent Sai

compilation, Sathya Sai Books and Publications Trust
for World Youth Conference, 2007

This slim book is a compilation of eight Divine Discourses specially selected for reading by Sai Young Adults, upon the occasion of the World Youth Conference held in Prashanthi Nilayam, July 2007. Attention is drawn to the urgent need for moral reconstruction of society, the uplift of rural masses and the underprivileged, and the need for Sai Youth to remain unpolluted physically, mentally and morally.

It is fitting that this small book opens with Sathya Sai’s letter to his brother Seshama Raju, written in May of 1947. Seshama Raju loved his brother and was devoted to him – the letter is addressed, To all who are devoted to Me… This letter gives calm, clear assurance that none may prescribe the acts and deeds of a mahatma, and their lives are marked by beneficial acts and self reliance. No one takes notice of dogs that howl at the moon and the stars, so why should anyone take notice of what the naysayers are saying? In this letter, Baba says that naysayers and critics have no comprehension of the glory and the reality of the One they are criticising. If they knew, they would remain silent.

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under the quandong tree


This reviewer has had numerous experiences of spiritual energy relating to places of profound spiritual power, which belong to various groups of Australian Aboriginals. In 1988, when I took photographs of a women’s sacred place at Uluru, the negatives came out blank; I developed the negatives myself and recall thinking at that time, well, serves you right!

Back in 2005, I drove a car up to Mt Warning, Sacred Wollumbin, and the car broke down about two thirds of the way up to the lookout. I had to turn around and go back. The same happened the next week when I tried to visit. Hmm, Sacred Wollumbin did not want me there. And so it has also happened in other places associated with Australian Aboriginals, in Wauchope, NSW, and in The Olgas and in several other places.

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Dark Emu

The myth of the indigenous Australian as a hunter-gatherer living off the gleanings of boomerang and spear is alive and well in the 21st Century in Australia. The book Dark Emu presents compelling evidence that Aboriginal people did build houses, did build dams, did sow, irrigate and till the land. The British perceptions of an untamed, untilled land with no husbandry is plainly untrue. So also is the perception that Aboriginals were not farmers.

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ABCD of Mind Management

Mind management is essential if any is to achieve anything in life. One can only be a child for so long; seeking and grasping the objects of desire to not lead to human flourishing. Scientists and observers of human progress tell that delay of gratification produces personal self discipline and the achievements of the goals of life. Here, we share the writing of one who walks his talk, Sri Narasimhamurthy, formerly Warden of the Brindavan Hostel, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning.

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The Surrender Experiment

Each and every human is born with a little brain which grows and a mind develops with its likes and dislikes. While we are born with everything we need, there is one thing missing, a user manual for the mind and its chatterbox inner voice. How do we manage this chatterbox inner voice? Read on as Michael Singer tells his story of encounter with the inner voice and how he learned to surrender to the unfolding flow of life before him.

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Companions in Spirit: A Guide to Working with Your Spirit Helpers

Companions in Spirit: A Guide to Working with Your Spirit Helpers is a most useful aid for those experiencing some of the effects of Ascension, the awakening of inner psychic skills and awareness of the spirit realm and the spirit helpers. This book goes a long way toward providing a proper foundation for the difficult task of sorting the voices in the head or the paranormal experiences of one’s spirit helpers.

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Stones on the Road

Stones on the Road – a small book – narrates the experiences of Marian Larsen who heard the stones calling to her, speaking to her, guiding her to take the stones hither, thither. The stones work for a better balance on Earth and were here millennia before the genesis events that brought humanity about. Marian Larsen tells, the path of stones is a path of peace.

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Extraterrestrial Presence on Earth – Lessons in History

The Star People are here on Earth. Some have been born here. Some were born elsewhere and have come to live here. Some visit in space ships called Motherships, UFO’s, Cloudships, and in space vessels that appear and disappear, go fast, go slow, go up, go down in the skies – like this. There is a lot of evidence. Here we have one Australian author – Judy Carroll – who is a friend of Valerie Barrow and includes Valerie and the mission of the Mothership Rexegena in her new book, and is quoting Alcheringa many times. The path to knowledge and understanding includes the Indigenous Australians, also.

Extraterrestrial Presence on Earth – Lessons in History is the new book from Judy Carroll, detailing the ET Presence on Earth. This book principally addresses the work of star-people (sometimes called ET’s, Greys, aliens and ‘men in black’…) many of whom have been tasked to help the human evolve. The popular language is that of ascension, stargates, the higher dimensions such as the 5th and 6th Dimensions. All this is overshadowed by the chaotic nodes of misinformation, control, abuse of thought on the astral plane and manipulation of energy streams. Many higher planetary and inter-dimensional helpers are here to assist Earth and humankind’s shift from 4th to 5th world consciousness. The expansion of human mind/awareness is the key to this evolutionary process, albeit in the midst of massive interference and mis-information.

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Arrival (Film)

Arrival had its world premiere at the Venice Film Festival on September 1, 2016, and was released in the United States on November 11, 2016 by Paramount Pictures. The film received positive reviews, and praise for its story, sustained intense and suspenseful atmosphere, and lead actress Amy Adams’s performance as the linguist, Louise Banks. There are star people (called heptapods), there are communication issues, there is mass panic and ultimatums from the military. There are also multiple time lines and realities in this visual narrative of human encounter with starpeople.

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