Peace and the Androgynous, the Transgender

Trans in SportThis is a time which may appear as a time of great darkness upon Earth. Whatever it may appear as, we have to remember that there is only atma in this world and the mind that we are born with sees only illusion. Moreover, our reactions to what is moving in front of us in the stream of illusion elicits reactions from us. It is meet and fitting to remember to be the witness, whatever the media presents. In this talk, we look to androgynous – transgender children, youth and adults.

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History of Pure Land Buddhism

A modern painting of Sukhavati, the pure land that’s associated in Mahayana Buddhism with the buddha Amitabha, known in Japanese as Amida.

Pure Land is both a distinct school of Buddhism that developed in Japan and is the cornerstone of the whole Mahayana tradition. In this article, the history of Pure Land Buddhism in Japan, Tibet, China and India is shared.

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The Blue Marble Earth

The Blue Marble

The Blue Marble is an image of Earth taken on December 7, 1972, from a distance of about 29,000 kilometers (18,000 miles) from the planet’s surface. It was taken by the crew of the Apollo 17 spacecraft on its way to the Moon, and is one of the most reproduced images in history.

It mainly shows the Earth from the Mediterranean Sea to Antarctica. This was the first time the Apollo trajectory made it possible to photograph the south polar ice cap, despite the Southern Hemisphere being heavily covered in clouds. In addition to the Arabian Peninsula and Madagascar, almost the entire coastline of Africa is clearly visible. The Asian mainland is on the horizon.

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Karma, Incumbrances and Ascension

Karma, Incumbrances and AscensionCosmic Sai Baba has always said that everyone is a God being. So if you think of that – it might be a little hard sometimes because of incumbrances that are still in the body that exist from other teachings or beliefs from other times – or even in this lifetime. They could let all that go. Everyone on this Earth at this time can move forward. And they have all agreed to come, to help one another.

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Focus, Attention, Concentration

Focus, Attention, ConcentrationSathya Sai Baba says that concentration brings success to any activity engaged upon – that is – when we give our undivided focus, attention and concentration. In this day and age of screens – phones, tablets, laptops, computers, television much has changed for humanity. Messaging applications, Chat apps, Facebook, Facetime, video and streaming services capture attention. What is happening to humanity in this modern connected world with its relentless fracking of our attention?

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Swami Vivekananda Jayanti 2022

Swami VivekanandaSwami Vivekananda (1863-1902 C.E.) was a Hindu monk and saint of India. According to the English calendar he was born on 12th January 1863 into an aristocratic Bengali family of Calcutta. However his birthday is celebrated according to the Hindu calendar and this day is known as Swami Vivekananda Jayanti. Vivekananda was born on Krishna Paksha Saptami after seven days of Paush Purnima. As Jayanti day is decided based on the Hindu (lunar) calendar, it is not fixed on the Gregorian calendar.

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Knowing, Visualising, Entering

NGC 2775
The spiral pattern shown by the galaxy in this image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope is striking because of its delicate, feathery nature. These “flocculent” spiral arms indicate that the recent history of star formation of the galaxy, known as NGC 2775, has been relatively quiet. There is virtually no star formation in the central part of the galaxy, which is dominated by an unusually large and relatively empty galactic bulge, where all the gas was converted into stars long ago.

NGC 2275 is classified as a flocculent spiral galaxy, located 67 million light-years away in the constellation of Cancer.

Millions of bright, young, blue stars shine in the complex, feather-like spiral arms, interlaced with dark lanes of dust. Complexes of these hot, blue stars are thought to trigger star formation in nearby gas clouds. The overall feather-like spiral patterns of the arms are then formed by shearing of the gas clouds as the galaxy rotates. The spiral nature of flocculents stands in contrast to the grand design spirals, which have prominent, well defined-spiral arms. Maya is strong; the immediate illusion is that there is a star in the centre of this galaxy. Here, we look to Jnatum, Drashtum, Praveshtum – Knowing, Visualising, Entering.

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Letting things flow

Letting things flowThe news bulletins are full of Covid-19 and little else – except, perhaps, the sport results. When many are unable to get tested, feel insecure, and feel the energy of inevitable succumbing to this virus all around them – the Hierarchy comes with a message. Ask for help. Access your higher consciousness and raise your energy-frequency-vibration. Let things flow. Descent into negativity does not help you nor anyone else. Help everyone by accessing your higher consciousness. Let things flow: be in your personal flow of higher energy-frequency-vibration, and so be an aide to all that is.

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A Christmas Reflection

Jesus - IsaJesus is known, worshipped and adored in many lands. Just as nations, culture and spiritual activity is different in many lands, so also, the Source of the All reveals itself in ways that suit the minds in that society, this culture. This is what shapes spirituality. Here, we note some of the different sources about Jesus-Isa, and draw parallels from Pope Francis at Midnight Mass and the teachings of Sri Sathya Sai.

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Wasted Opportunities: Mislabelling Ancient Wisdom as New Age

We can stop reinventing the wheel if we are receptive to learning from the past! Have you ever wondered why ancient practices that are tied to well-being – such as yoga and meditation, holistic medicine and holistic healing methods like acupuncture – are part of what’s called New Age in the West? Yoga and meditation are believed to have been born and practiced since the Indus Saraswati Valley civilisation, so many thousands of years ago.

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