Note on Solar New Year

Idol of Sun God

The Solar New Year begins when the Sun enters the sign of Aries in the zodiac. This is a traditional time when one casts a kundli or birth chart for the nation in order that one might ascertain what is ahead for that country in the forthcoming year. Other jyotisha may use the annual varshapaal chart; using the entry of the Sun, Lord Surya, into Aries is also taken as well-established. In this note about the Solar New Year, we would speak of the role of the outer sun and the inner sun in our lives, the placement of the Sun for the coming year and its relation to the Fourth (and other dimensions) and the story of Hanuman swallowing the Sun. The Sun then gives the gift of the Vedas to Hanuman.

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Navaratri – Mercury


Today is the fourth day of the Navaratri celebrations which are held for nine nights. All festivals are meant to remind mankind that they should cultivate noble qualities by engaging themselves in activities beneficial to one’s own self and society. Sai Baba has told that Navaratri, the nine nights, represents the Nine Planets.

In Hindu mythology, Navratri celebrates the victory of Goddess Durga over Mahishasura, the buffalo-headed demon. She fought for nine days and nine nights before emerging victorious on the tenth day. Goddess Shakti in the nine forms is worshipped during the period for knowledge, wealth, prosperity and auspiciousness. Knowingly or unknowingly during this period we also recognize the primordial source of energy (Shakti), which manifests in all living and nonliving.

Sai Baba went on to say that each planet has its own significance. However, these planets are not outside, they are within. So we take the opportunity to examine the energies of the planets within, and examine how the Divine Mother is related to these energies. The 4th day of Navratri we will look to the planet Mercury, and examine Lalitha Panchami and its astrological relevance. The colour for the 4th day of Navaratri is ROYAL BLUE, so we scribe in ROYAL BLUE for this 4th day observance of Navaratri.

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Navaratri – The Sun


Today is the first day of the Navaratri celebrations which are held for nine days (Nava Rathrulu). All festivals are meant to remind mankind that they should cultivate noble qualities by engaging themselves in activities beneficial to one’s own self and society. Sai Baba made reference to Navaratri and the Nine Planets:

As part of Navaratri celebrations, people worship different forms of divinity. You should develop sacred feelings and experience divinity. What is the inner meaning of Navaratri celebrations? These nine nights represent nine planets. Each planet has its own significance. However, these planets are not outside, they are within. If your feelings are impure and unsacred, the result also will be the same. You are responsible for the good and bad you think and experience.

As the nine nights represent the nine planets, we will be having a planetary celebration of Navaratri with an account of one of the planets for each of the nine nights. The first planet is The Sun. The colour for the first day of Navaratri is ORANGE, so we will write in Orange for this first day’s observance of Navaratri.

The Sun is called ‘Sol’ in many languages; its rays and energy are of a solar nature. It is not without coincidence the Sun, Sol, has the same name for Soul; the name is the same, the spelling is slightly different. The Sun in Vedic Astrology signifies the incarnating soul. It is said to represent the personality, the ego, the Self.

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Astrology and the Soul Blueprint

Astrology and the Spiritual Path

Life is based on light; all life comes from the Central Sun of all the Universes, the Creative Source of All. Astrology provides a map of where the light is allocated to every major segment of your life: there are twelve important domains of human life with its many inter-relations: your body, wealth, siblings, your family and children. You will have those in your life who oppose you or disagree with you; your health is all important, as is your life partner. You have an education, you have vulnerabilities, gains and losses, these are all parts of your life.

Astrology provides a map of your soul’s path in this body, at this time. Your soul has a blue-print of the path you will take, the people you will meet, with whom you will grow up, and those who you fight with, and those who you fall in love with. As you are a soul – a spiritual being – you are having a human experience, a physical experience wherein you are birthed into a family and experience the love and warmth of family. You are a spiritual being on a path called human life; it is a spiritual path to a spiritual goal. Astrology, then, is a spiritual map of your soul’s choices, learnings and experiences chosen for this lifetime. It can also show achievements and learning of past lives, and what is to be learned in this life.

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About 4th Dimensional Consciousness

Hue-man, the one who is filled with many hues of light

The Grand Sextile is an event wherein the consciousness of all life-forms on our planet will be raised further into the fourth dimension. There will be grounding of the 4th dimension energy into the depths of the Earth, an “earthing“, one might say. This grounding of the 4th dimensional energies — the grand sextile — bringing the planets into the form of the Star of David — signifies the raising of vibrations and rise of consciousness in the hue-man, the one who is filled with different hues of light. What is consciousness and how does it rise?

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