Discussion: Saturn in Scorpio

Saturn in Scorpio

A scenario has been presented describing the effects of Saturn's sojourn in the sign of Scorpio. Mars and Saturn never do well together in any sign, and it is well known that Saturn travels poorly in Scorpio, the natural 8th house which has Mars as sign lord. Many astrologers predict what they will, and some consult astrologers out of fear. Those engaged in the discussion reported below are both devotees of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, who teaches, "Why fear when I am here?". The discussion is frank, full throated and offered for your reflection.

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Solar New Year and 4th Dimension – Part 2

(This is Part Two of a letter to my friend, Gandhi. Gandhi is his nickname due his remarkable resemblance to the late Mahatma Gandhi. “Gandhi” lives in Puttaparthi, and asked me about the forthcoming Solar New Year. In the last post, I began with a general overview of the Sun’s dispersion of rays, and how this energy is being checked or throttled by Saturn and Rahu, and how the 4th Dimension energy continue to flow to us with checks and balances. )

Dear Gandhi,
you wrote to me and asked about the Solar New Year and what it might have in store for you. In my last letter, I explained how the Sun is vargottama in 14 divisions and what this means. There are checks and balances brought by Saturn and Rahu, and Mars is depleted, in combustion being so close to the Sun; Mars is weakened to the tune of 95% so there are changes in the way strength and force are used. Social networking, social relationships are in for a marked change due this combustion of Mars.

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Uluru and the Autumn Equinox

Uluru and the Autumn Equinox

In our article Understanding the Fourth Dimension, we mentioned the energies flowing in from the Core of Suns, the Source of All.

The new energy has been coming in for quite some time. It reached the turning point with the alignment of the Sun with the core of suns, then it reached back to the creation of all. This opened up many opportunities for all aspects of creation, and all forms of life in all the kingdoms, mineral, plant, animal and human.

This energy has first come to various grids in our atmosphere, and then descended to stargates on the Earth where the energy is distributed in a balanced degree and quantity to places all over the Earth.

Photo of Ayers Rock - Uluru taken at sunrise from Ansett Lodge

The new energies are distributed through stargates like Uluru

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Planting the Seeds of a Golden Age

As our galaxy and Solar System transited the heavenly conjunction with Tula, the Central Sun of all Universes, new energies were transmitted through our Sun to the Earth. Things get better slowly. We could use ceiling fans as the metaphor…

old era

The black fan – distributing negative energy – is slowing down

The black ceiling fan represents the energies, archtypes, thought-forms and mass-energies over nations from the past, and is still spinning at high speed. It is spinning on the old energy of FEAR … (false expectations appearing real) … but it is getting no more new energy. That energy source is cut off. The fan will take some time to slow down and come to a halt. As people continue to access old, fearful and negative energies, they will continue, for a time, to manifest reality as they experienced it. But the ceiling fan will slow down and come to a halt. What is this ceiling fan powered by?

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Rahu-Ketu Transit and the Gunas


Very shortly after the opening of the 4th Dimension and the return of the Earth to this — and higher dimensions in our solar system — a small, invisible, transition among the shadowy planets will take place. Shadowy planets — called chaaya grahas — are not seen. They are points of magnetic force which have impact in our solar system and on our Earth. Our bodies are woven from light itself, from the very source of light (called Paramjyothi in Vedic literature). We are in fact the light of the Source and the mask of illusion, called Maya, causes us to see this world as real. In fact everything that happens in this world and in our lives on Earth are taking place in light. So we look to the light and its role in our lives.

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