Saturn and Forbearance

Human Values and Astrology
Value: Peace Sub-value: Forbearance

Shani - Planetary Deity for Saturn

Oh Lord Saturn! The mysterious one,

Thy mother is the shadow and thy father is the Sun,
You are considered, only maelific, by some,
Others know you as the benevolent one.

God gave you the task to purify each one
Through all types of experiences under the Sun.
Bless us and remove our shackles, one by one.

Saturn is a disposer of universal energy in the form of light and magnetism, for all energy comes from the Central Sun of all Universes, to our galaxy, to our solar system and flows to Sol, the Sun. From our Sun, the seven rays are directed to the seven planets and two nodes, Rahu and Ketu; thence the planets and nodes combine and recombine tlight and magnetism and reflect these as cosmic force into the field of birth. The field of right action is the field of the human body. Saturn directs measures of light and magnetism to our janma (birth) for cosmic purpose.

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Tolerance and The Moon

The Moon is considered to be the second most important planet in a horoscope after the Sun in Astrology. The Moon is the presiding deity of the mind, and as such, the state of the Moon in astrology depicts the state of the mind, particularly where there are aspects to the Moon. Here, we take the human value of Love and its sub-value Tolerance, and look to the Moon.

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Saturn and Self Love

Sani, Saturn

Planet Saturn is sometimes known as Kala Raja, for he rules the passing of time and how we fill time. Time passing slowly, duroshya, is one of Saturn’s principal duties, for how we fill time is critical. Do we repeat karmic patterns, do we endlessly go around in circles doing the same thing again and again, or do we yoke ourselves to what Saturn offers and learn the lessons, love ourselves and build a sustainable life-long discipline? Here, we look to the role of Saturn as duroshya-karaka (giver of slowness), and examine how human values might be yoked to the discipline Saturn enjoins.

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The Sun as Embodiment of Love

smiley sun

The Sun is superior among all the planets, and he becomes pleased with whoever reveres him consistently. Among the planets, he is God incarnate in solar form. Those who regularly and devotedly remember the Sun lose all their worries, disease and poverty, for unwavering worship of the Sun destroys all obstructions and fulfils all cherished desires. The Sun is the embodiment of Divine Love.

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Venus and Human Values: Generosity

Planet Venus as Hindu God

Gayatri Mantra for Venus

Om Aswadhwajaaya Vidmahe
Dhanur hastaaya dheemahi
Tanno Shukra prachodayaat

Translation: “Om, Let me meditate on him who has horse in his flag,
Oh, He who has a bow in his hand, give me higher intellect,
And let Shukra illuminate my mind.”

The Planet Venus is known in Vedic Astrology as Lord Shukra, the celestial poet, son of Lord Bhrigu (var, Bhrugu), and is dispositor or karaka of artistic grace and beauty, refinement and contentment, and is concerned with harmonious relationships.

Venus rules wealth; Venus is generous when wealth is shared in the habit of selfless giving to others. Attitudes which give expression to generosity are a willingness to share time, talents and resources for the betterment of others around them; Venus seeks an amiable atmosphere around, a a satisfied, festive environment where goods and appreciation of beauty is shared all round, to the happiness of others. Venus is not petty in character nor mind; generosity is a form of creating that environment which forfends goodness, beauty and truth for others; it has the quality of being warm-hearted, considerate, humane and sympathetic. There are elements of sharing and sacrifice in the generosity of Venus.

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A grand sextile – a new cornucopia

Green Cornucopia

From time to time, it behooves Vedic Astrology to pay some attention to the cousins; those who practice and follow western (tropical) astrology. It is sometimes of benefit to check horoscopes cast for confirmation; it is also important, as many minds cast their attention to this form of astrology, and hence, it has a certain validity. We take our point of departure from Leonard French's teachings on self-fulfilling prophecy. As so many westerners only know this form of astrology, attention must be given, if only to explain certain phenomena.

On July 29, classical tropical astrology advises that many planets will form a disposition known as the "Grand Sextile". This event has a subtle spiritual significance far beyond the considerations and interpretations of astrology and astronomy. It indicates – albeit on a subtle level – the rise and rise of energies which will result in a rise in mass consciousness.

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Reflections on Rahu Part III

Rahu - North Node of Moon

Om nakadwajaaya vidmahe padma hastaaya dheemahi tanno rahu prachodayat
Om nakadwajaaya vidmahe

padma hastaaya dheemahi

tanno rahu prachodayat

Considerations on the influence of Rahu

In these days of powerful cosmic forces being unleashed through our Sun, the amount of light flowing to the mind-body-spirit complex – the combining and recombining of light within our bodies and surrounding our soul as impressions and wishes, desires – self-discipline is a sine-qua-non, that which we cannot do without. The Human is the Hue-man filled with the various hues of light. How may we take up the influence of Rahu and apply it with wholesome, balanced self-discipline and bring order of the chaos as mankind learns more of its origins?

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Mercury and Joy

Human Values and Astrology
Value:Love; Sub-value: Joy
Planet (graha) Mercury – Lord Budha

The Planet Mercury – sometimes known in Vedic Astrology as Budha, is son of the Moon, and is regarded as the most intelligent planet of all the planets. The Sanskrit name for Mercury, Budha, has a marked similarity to the term Buddhi – the Sanskrit erm intellect. Mercury removes obstacles for those who worship him and creates prosperity for all. Lord of the North and Wednesdays, he rules the signs Gemini and Virgo and has a shared house lordship with Ketu in the 6th House. Of the five human values, Mercury has reference to Love and is karaka (disposer) of Joy.

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Ketu and Spiritual Intelligence Part 1

Ketu – South Node of Moon

Navagraha Ketu - God without head

Om Chitravarnaya vidmahe
Sarpa Roopaya Dheemahe
Tanno Ketu Prachodayat

Ketu, the opposite node to Rahu, came into being during the churning of the Ocean of Milk. The last gift of that churning was the emergence of the God of Healing, Dhanvantari, with the pot of amrit, the nectar of immortality. Ketu and Rahu were whole at that time, in the form of a demon known as Swarbharnu, who engaged in subterfuge to obtain the nectar whilst it was being served out by the enchantress Mohini. The deception was discovered by the Sun and Moon, who ran tale-telling to the great God Maha Vishnu, who promptly sent his discus and separated the head from the body; the body is today known as Lord Ketu, South Node of the Moon.

Ketu has very poor reputation garnered over the ages and in narrative, yet, is disposer of intelligence of a deep order. Ketu is also disposer of Spiritual Intelligence.

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Mars and Inner Strength

Human Values and Astrology
Value:Peace; Sub-value: Inner Strength
Planet (graha) Mars – Lord Kuja

The Planet Mars – sometimes known in Vedic Astrology as Mangala, is son of the Earth, and is a focus of energy or shakti of the Earth. Mars is told to be of Pitta dosha – of a fiery nature, and rules two fire signs, Aries and Scorpio. Mars is lord of the Third House and – in debilitated aspect, is Lord of the Eighth House.

Mars is the chieftain, the commander, the leader. He is found frequently in occupations where there is protection of the community – such as the defence forces, the policing forces, the security forces. In these roles, Mars can be tamasic in nature and appearance, but this obscures what is beneath the surface – extensive skills, acquisition of skills relevant to duty (to the extent of bringing order out of chaos) and inner strength.

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Solar New Year and the 4th Dimension

(This is a letter to my friend, Gandhi. Gandhi is his nickname due his remarkable resemblance to the late Mahatama Gandhi. Gandhi lives in Puttparthi, and asked me about the forthcoming Solar New Year. So I have cast a vedic chart (called kundali) and write to explain to him what the chart means – especially in the light of the new dimensions, the 4th dimension, of which Gandhi knows little.)

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Mars and Fearlessness

Human Values and Astrology
Value:Peace; Sub-value: Fearlessness
Planet (graha) Mars – Lord Kuja

Kuja - Hindu God

Om veeradhwajaaya vidmahe
vighna hastaaya dheemahi
tanno bhooma prachodayaat

Mars is ambitious, energetic, firm, brave, ardent, resolute, resourceful, enterprising and inspiring. Mars also empowers Fearlessness, a sub-value of Peace.

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Truth, Self Awareness and Rahu

Human Values and Astrology
Value:Truth; Sub-value: Self-Awareness
Planet (graha) Rahu – North Node

Rahu - Dragon's Head and North Node of Moon

Om nakadwajaaya vidmahe
padma hastaaya dheemahi
tanno rahu prachodayat

Understanding Rahu as a Planet

The North Node is known in Vedic Astrology as Rahu, and is considered a shadow planet, symbolised by a head. In the myth of the churning of the ocean of milk, the demon Swarbhanu stole a taste of the nectar of immortality and was decapitated by Lord Vishnu. Rahu is not actually a planet, rather a shadow planet, chhaya graha, the cause of eclipses of the Sun and Moon. Where Rahu eclipses the Sun and Moon, there is a similar eclipse of the light within the mind.

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Reflections on Rahu

Rahu – North Node of Moon

Rahu - Dragon's Head and North Node of Moon

Om nakadwajaaya vidmahe
padma hastaaya dheemahi
tanno rahu prachodayat

Aspects of Rahu as Shadow Planet (Chhaya Graha)

The myth behind the shadow planet Rahu speaks of the Asura Swarbhanu, who was a dragon. He was sundered during the churning of the Ocean of Milk, wherein the last gift was amrita, the nectar of immortality.

The demons and the gods had agreed to co-operate and churn the ocean of milk in order to receive the precious gifts it had. They would take the gifts – but the demons engaged in subterfuge and obtained the last gift – the pot containing the nectar of immortality. The gods, outraged, called to Lord Vishnu for aid.

Lord Vishnu took the disguise of an enchantress, Mohini. This enchantress prevented the demons from drinking the pot of amrita, and made arrangements to divide the pot between the gods and the demons. The enchantress fooled the demons with her beauty and sweet endearments, whilst feeding the contents of the pot to the gods. Swarbhanu was not fooled; he had clearer perception, took a disguise and sat among the gods and was given a taste of the nectar. The Sun and the Moon, saw the deception and informed Vishnu, who promptly took off Swarbhanu’s head with his discus. The body fell down dead (and was later revived as Ketu); the head had tasted immortality and continued to live. It is said that Rahu seeks revenge by “swallowing” the Sun and Moon from time to time – this is the explanation for occurrence of eclipses.

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Peace, Contentment and Venus

Human Values and Astrology
Value:Peace; Sub-value: Contentment
Planet (graha) Venus (Sukra)


Om Aswadhwajaaya Vidmahe
Dhanur hastaaya dheemahi
Tanno shukra prachodayaat

The Planet Venus is known in Vedic Astrology as Shukra, the celestial poet, son of Lord Bhrigu (var, Bhrugu), and is dispositor or karaka of artistic grace and beauty, refinement and contentment.

Venus shows our affection and sense of harmony in life. Among the planets, Venus is our appreciation of the beautiful and as such represents our aesthetic sense. Venus is significator of art, poetry, painting, music and dance. Venus is the muse in life, our sense of the beloved that draws out our creative expression. Venus indicates sensitivity, refinement and gentleness.

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Truth, Discrimination and Saturn

Human Values and Astrology
Value: Truth; Sub-value: Discrimination
Planet (graha) Saturn (Sani)

Shani - Planetary Deity for Saturn

Oh Lord Saturn! The mysterious one,

Thy mother is the shadow and thy father is the Sun,
You are considered, only malefic, by some,
Others know you as the benevolent one.

God gave you the task to purify each one
Through all types of experiences under the Sun.
Bless us and remove our shackles, one by one.

The Planet Saturn is dispositor of limits, control (and when we try to push past that control, frustration); and completion. We should never be trying to push back the barriers that limit us without using our discrimination.

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Truth, Conscience and The Sun

Human Values and Astrology
Value:Truth; Sub-value: Conscience
Planet (graha) The Sun

Vedic God Surya, known as The Sun

The Sun is the first Planet (although it is actually a star and the centre of our solar system). One is the number of unity and a prime number. Every planet is the centre of some radiating force or energy. These planetary radiations are absorbed by all the beings in the universe in proportion to their capacity. The planetary forces pass through them along the line of least resistance

In Vedic Astrology, The Sun is the karaka (disposer, energiser, motivator) of Truth and the Conscience within.

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Human Values and Astrology

Overview of Values

Sun and Planets

The five human values given by Sathya Sai Baba are composites of human qualities and behaviours. Truth is the basis of the Universe and all other values. All the worlds rest on truth, it resides in all times, time past, time present and time future. As such, it is an eternal value, innate, knowable by all, and able to be elicited from within.

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