Coming into Alignment

Sri Sathya Sai Once again, the Cosmic Sai Baba gives a message at Bundanoon, NSW. In these days of conflict and ghastly scenes splashed over all forms of media, the Cosmic Sai Baba reminds us of our origins and the grand plan. The is only one race, the human race, and that race has come here from the stars, and our own solar system. All is coming into alignment for world peace, as the planets, the Sun, the galaxy, all come into alignment with the Grand Central Sun of all Universes, the Source of the All.

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Pope John XXIII as Interfaith Mentor

Pope John XXIIIPope John XXIII – Angelo Roncalli – was born in a very poor family of 13 children in Northern Italy. He was priest, bishop, diplomat and Pope. A conservative in doctrine, during his life he frequently reached out to those of other faiths – sometimes called schismatic – and even, the Church would call some perfidious infidels. Not John XXIII, who was horrified by Shoah, and took every step he could to save lives of Jews. Here, we look to his career and actions as Interfaith Mentor.

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Behind the Curtain of Death

Many, many people ask, “What is on the other side of death?” The Master replies, “Notice that until now, death and dying have been a taboo subject in your culture. The most important cause of this situation is fear, only fear. Wake up, begin to think and search for yourselves. Do not base your life on somebody else’s theories or their fear.” So begins a far-ranging discussion on life after death, and a surprising promise from the Master!

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Prayer for our Planet

saguna, nirgunaThe Cosmic Sai Baba gives another transmission at Bundanoon, NSW. The Golden Age is foretold, and it will be a little time for the energy to change and align with the Golden Age. All these changes can be as gentle as a still pond, were everyone on Earth to pray to the Source of the All. Cosmic Sai Baba asks that all upon Earth work with God in this alignment to take place.

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Thích Nhất Hạnh

Thích Nhất HạnhThích Nhất Hạnh was a Vietnamese Thiền Buddhist monk, peace activist, prolific author, poet and teacher, who founded the Plum Village Tradition, historically recognized as the main inspiration for Engaged Buddhism. Known as the “father of mindfulness”, Nhất Hạnh was a major influence on Western practices of Buddhism.

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Reading Holy Books

The question arises about the value of reading holy books. What can we get out of them, what purpose do they serve? Do we consult the Master, our Friend, first before reading? Do we seek the opinion of the Master as to what we should read, HOW we should read, and what personal transformation should come from our reading? The Master, your Friend, stands ready to guide you at all times.

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Swami Ramalingam – Vallalar

Swami Ramalingam - VallalarArutprakasa Vallalār Chidambaram Ramalingam (5 October 1823 – 30 January 1874 [Attained Immortality]), whose pre-monastic name was Rāmalingam, is commonly known in India and across the world as Vallalār. He was one of the most famous Tamil Saints and also one of the greatest Tamil poets of the 19th century and belongs to a line of Tamil saints known as “gnana siddhars” (gnana means higher wisdom).

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The Breath of Life

Sathya Sai BabaThe Cosmic Sai Baba gives a transmission at Bundanoon, NSW. The OM is led, and an exposition is given about breath and all forms of life: Mother Earth, the ocean, inanimate objects breathing and the last breath, when all returns to the Source, the receiver of all things. We are told the Source is Love, and that Love is Absolute.

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Love is the Heart of Religion

Once upon a time, when the Source took human form, a divine discourse was given. At the end of that discourse, there was a lull in the proceedings. Source returned to the podium, to the microphone and told, “I am a devotee! I am a devotee of all those who are devoted to Me!” Imagine, that this very somebody is just next to you and is ready to present you with His love and everything that He’s got available.

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Claude G MontefioreClaude G Montefiore was the intellectual founder of Anglo-Liberal Judaism and the founding president of the World Union for Progressive Judaism, a scholar of the Hebrew Bible, rabbinic literature and New Testament. He was a significant figure in the contexts of modern Jewish religious thought, Jewish-Christian relations, and strove in his works to find a middle ground acceptable to both Jewish and Christian scholars.

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Vision of God

This world is light. Due many births, we build, create and empower illusions that make this world appear as it is. This has been reinforced many times. It us up to ourselves to seek Love, for Love is God, and God waits for us patiently, that we might see the Love and Light that God truly is. There are universal laws – yes – and there is karma, but their is also Love, and when we turn to God with Love for God, we have Vision of God.

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Positive Peace: Religions and Peace

Positive Peace:  Religions and PeaceMeet Positive Peace, the post-COVID recovery framework. Created by the non-partisan and internationally renowned think-tank the Institute for Economics & Peace, this free short course introduces the transformational framework — Positive Peace. Rethink peace with the Institute’s data driven approach and discover how Positive Peace is associated with better performance on ecological sustainability, improved wellbeing, stronger GDP growth rates and better business outcomes.

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Gayatri Jayanti 2024

Gayatri Maa

Gayatri Jayanti celebrates the manifestation of Goddess Gayatri, who is worshipped as Veda Mata (The Mother of Vedas). In 2024, the date of Gayatri Jayanti is Monday, August 19, 2024.

Gayatri is a universal prayer that is addressed to the immanent and transcendent divine. The Gayatri Mantra is sacred and is considered the mother of the Vedas. It is non-denominational and can be chanted by anyone to illumine the intellect. It can be chanted upon waking, before the midday meal and in the evening – alone or in the company of the good and Godly.

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Kamala, a common name in India, is associated with several deities and is a symbol of wisdom

Relief of the Hindu goddess Lakshmi from a temple in India.
Godong/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Ever since Vice President Kamala Harris became a presence on the national scene, her name – a common one for women in India – has attracted a lot of attention, most specifically for its pronunciation. Kamala as a word in Hinduism has significant associations with divinity, response to divinity and worship. One form of surrender to divinity is charana kamala.

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