Saints for a New Era

The question, “What is a Saint? arose recently, for a description of a saintly person was encountered. That description was really a listing of what discouraged happiness in a saintly person. It went something like this: “discourage happiness due to wealth and family, possessions, marriage and sexuality, or material longevity“. That gave me pause. I had to stop and think, What maketh a saint?? And so this website has come about.

I suppose there are many things you can say about saints. I’d like to open a window not just to the plaster saints, those with halos and statues, but also to the saints and inspiring spiritual adherents of other religions. Why should great saints, sants, acharya, gurus, godmen, godwomen, mystics and muslim pirs be excluded from consideration as saints? Don’t they inspire people too?

So there is your first conclusion about saints. They inspire.

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